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Utah Fun Meet and Greet - Cedar City- Carving the Curves ll - Friday , October 18th- Sunday October 20th. Now Cancelled


COG Southwest Area Director
I just posted this fun Meet and Greet on the Event Calendar again because I just cannot get enough of riding in Utah! Coming back to an old favorite here in the Southwest! Cedar City-Where many fun, curvy and sweeping roads are nearby! National Parks within a day's ride include Zion, Bryce Canyon, Capital Reef, Canyonlands and Arches! Grand Staircase-Escalante and Natural Bridges National Monument and the Burr Trail also are nearby. Last year's ride was fantastic but I am betting this year's will be even better! I have not decided on a hotel for our Meet and Greet yet but look for it to be posted soon. Please register and I will see you all in July!
The Rally Headquarters will be either the Comfort Inn and Suites (Where we stayed last year) or the Wingate by Wyndham. Still trying to get a better rate than is offered so stay tuned for more news on that. Should have something up on the Event Calendar and here by next week. Please register soon for this very fun rally! Any questions or comments post them here or send me a note. (y)
The Comfort Inn and Suites will be Rally Headquarters again. Yes, that is the same hotel we stayed at last year.

1288 South Main Street
Cedar City, Utah 84720

I could not secure room rates that were any cheaper than if you placed them yourself w/AAA or on a travel app. Dates of the rally are Friday, July 12th through Sunday July 14th. I may get there a day early to do some local riding. If anyone is interested in getting in on Thursday so we can get out Friday and ride let me know. Should be a very fun rally and I am looking forward to it. See you all there!
I am 100% down for this! I had a great time last year, and am looking forward to it again! I may come up on Thursday @Motomaniac , my family is heading to California on Wednesday, so nothing keeping me here at home. Hopefully @Charby can head up early as well!
Booked. Will arrive on Thursday. Looking forward to any seat time with you guys I can get. Southwest's hospitality is great! :)

I decided to wimp out and registered for the Curves & Coast ride. I tried to deregister for this one, but didn't see a way to do so.

There's just to many things I'm trying to get together for any kind of trip, and the Oregon trip is a bit closer and fewer days. For instance, I ordered a replacement helmet, and it arrived this morning at 9:17, but it didn't get delivered here. FedEx thinks now they figured out where they delivered it...but did that person swap my new helmet for a 10 yr old Bilt helmet?

So next year for this one.

I decided to wimp out and registered for the Curves & Coast ride. I tried to deregister for this one, but didn't see a way to do so.

There's just to many things I'm trying to get together for any kind of trip, and the Oregon trip is a bit closer and fewer days. For instance, I ordered a replacement helmet, and it arrived this morning at 9:17, but it didn't get delivered here. FedEx thinks now they figured out where they delivered it...but did that person swap my new helmet for a 10 yr old Bilt helmet?

So next year for this one.

This Meet and Greet may be canceled. I cannot come so it looks like Doug may be the only one coming. If I have to cancel it....we will try to reschedule for late October which the weather may not allow us to do or for next year. It is a bummer. I really enjoy riding those awesome Utah roads.
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Utah is incredible. My post-retirement ride was through the 5 National Parks. I've been back several times and there's always something more to see. Utah is one of my favorite places to ride. But not this time.


This Meet and Greet may be canceled. I cannot come so it looks like Doug may be the only one coming. If I have to cancel it....we will try to reschedule for late October which the weather may not allow us to do or for next year. It is a bummer. I really enjoy riding those awesome Utah roads.
Sounds like most people are not going, I will bow out. I have been eager to get up into Colorado, so that is where I am going. Should get three solid days up in the mountains! Yee Haa!
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I am not canceling the Meet and Greet in Cedar City. I am moving it to October 18th-20th. Looking at the average temps it may just be really mild and good weather. We should see some really cool colors from the middle of fall too! :)🍁🍃🍂
This fun Meet and Greet was rescheduled from July dates to Mid October. Weather should be cooler with a good chance to see the fall colors. If interested please register it's free and it gives me a good count of who is going. If the weather cooperates ( which I expect it will) it will be a very fun rally with lots of curvy roads!
Just cleared my calendar, signed up but no vacancies at the Comfort Inn.
Any extra beds?
I just cannot get enough of riding in Utah! Coming back to an old favorite here in the Southwest! Cedar City-Where many fun, curvy and sweeping roads are nearby! National Parks within a day's ride include Zion, Bryce Canyon, Capital Reef, Canyonlands and Arches! Grand Staircase-Escalante and Natural Bridges National Monument and the Burr Trail also are nearby. Last year's ride was fantastic but I am betting this year's will be even better! Please register and we'll see you all October 18th-20th! If coming the 17th. there is plenty of riding to do Friday before the big day Saturday. Just letting you know. ;)

If you have not booked your room yet in Cedar City, just a warning rooms are scarce unless looking for a single King Room. And it's more expensive than I was told it will be. I looked around in the area and there seems to be plenty of rooms in Brian Head. Hilton Vacation Club and Brian Head Lodge both have more reasonable rates than Cedar City has and plenty of rooms for singles and for riders sharing a room. And the road there is one curvy twisty thrill ride.

Contact me with any questions.

Utah Fun Meet & Greet - Cedar City Carving the Curves II [UT​

  • Start

  • End

  • Location
    Comfort Inn & Suites | 1288 S Main St, Cedar City, UT 84720
  • Registered
    9 registrants so far!


  • Members/Associate-Members

  • Non-Members

This rally is being rescheduled. The new dates are 10/18/2024 - 10/20/2024.

Utah Fun Meet and Greet - Cedar City Carving the Curves II
Coming back to an old favorite here in the Southwest! Cedar City-Where many fun, curvy and sweeping roads are nearby! National Parks within a day's ride include Zion, Bryce Canyon, Capital Reef, Canyonlands and Arches! Grand Staircase-Escalante and Natural Bridges National Monument and the Burr Trail also are nearby.

Lodging and Meeting Spot will be the Comfort Inn and Suites in Cedar City. Everyone is on their own to secure a room.

Contact me if you have any questions! See you in Cedar City!
- Russ Saunders

Registration & Fees
There are no registration fees. However, we are asking everyone to register online so we have an idea of how many people to plan for.
Questions or issues with online registration, please contact Mark Wojcik at events@concours.org.

& Additional Information
Contact the event organizer Russ Saunders "Motomanaic419" at russ.saunders@cox.net
Please check the COG Forums for additional announcements and conversations.
With the cancellation of most of our Rally attendees that are not coming because of upcoming freezing weather I have decided to cancel the Carving of the Curves ll for this year. We will do our best to have this rally scheduled again next year. Beautiful areas with lots of curvy roads and National Parks are places in the Southwest we need to plan visits too. Enjoy your riding this fall!
With the cancellation of most of our Rally attendees that are not coming because of upcoming freezing weather I have decided to cancel the Carving .of the Curves ll for this year. We will do our best to have this rally scheduled again next year. Beautiful areas with lots of curvy roads and National Parks are places in the Southwest we need to plan visits too. Enjoy your riding this fall!
Good call Cedar is looking at 2-3" in town and the road over the top at 10"+