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VA Meet & Eat




This event has been rained out! Please look at attending next month, Tuesday the 22nd in Culpeper at Shawn's Smokehouse BBQ - All you can eat and hopefully by then the snow will be gone and we won't have any rain.


First one of the year coming up :great: :great:. We are meeting in Lynchburg at Delicia's  :103:  7106 Timberlake Rd. They specialize in Caribbean, Salvadorian, Spanish and South American Cuisine.


Dinner is at 6:00 PM, hope to see you there! :welcome:


March 28th - A Friday night, bring a date!

Yes, this was modified....

Looking at our meet & eat tomorrow night in lynchburg, there's a 20% chance of good weather. I will still be going, but it appears as though it will be in a four wheeled vehicle.

The rain, which if it comes, I hope that it is heavy and washes all the crap off of 33 and 250. Then next weekend will be fun.  :great:

Hope to see some of you there tomorrow night

Yes, Tim, away with the road crap, salt, mud, icy edges.

Away with the wind chills, cancelled rides, stale gas in bikes!

Away with MARCH. Let's see that lamb it's supposed to become!

AWAY with the WINTER!  :mad: