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Well it's done, and now I don't have to worry when!


Training Wheels
0 deg this morning and a little damp, got to work no problem, left early to help a friend with the sound at his wedding. Go the the reception hall, get things ironed out. Now I have an hour before the rehersal. I'm hungry, Go to pizza place for a slice, eat, go to leave, back up, turn wheel, get in gear, start to go and BLAH! I stall it just after I started to move. Driveway has a slight slope to my left......oh............oh oh........no....no.shhhhhphhhhhtrrrrrrrrrrrr.....awwwwww crap. Sigh...dumb klutz.....ok......up we go. Heeeeeeyaaaaaaapphhhhhht....whew. OK, now off we go. I was a wrestle but I laid her down slowly and she rested gentley on the bag. I'm glad I had them on! O:)
I have dropped every bike I've owned at least once. Ya think I'd learn! Sigh
Rubber on the road and shiny side up boys and girls.
Maybe we should change the name of this exclusive little group to "CONNIE DROPERS UNAMINMOUS".  By the way mine is a CDA.3
WillyP said:
I miss the days when bikes weighed less than my wife does now.
1+ on that.

Sorry Rob but you are not alone and sounds like you did miss out on damage.
qman said:
0 deg this morning I have dropped every bike I've owned at least once. Ya think I'd learn! Sigh
Rubber on the road and shiny side up boys and girls.

Man does this sound familiar.  One good thing is since my last drop I can kind of anticpate situations that might cause it, like getting up in the morning.
I also have problems with mornings.  I try not to do any skill maneuvers like slow speed, C standing or backing down slops before I have gone a hundred miles.  Both times mine has had a CDA event it was to early.  The last one I was trying to C stand it after coming out to find a flat first thing in the morning.  The bike puts on weight over night.
I feel your pain.  Had my C14 less than a month when it got sleepy on my very sloped driveway and decided to have a nap. Couple small love bites. Got a new house with a flat driveway now. Priorities! :'(