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Windshield Bracket


If you need or want a replacement windshield bracket you can PM me for more information. It's the one that breaks. It's hidden behind a plastic cover just above the headlight.
I highly recommend this product. Install time is about 15 mins tops. I just pushed my Concours beast up past 140kph and the windshield was the least of my worries. More like trying to hold on going around some crappy winter heaved corners.
Yesterday I did a 550 mile out and back day through the Columbia River gorge. We had a nice tail wind on the way out, but was fighting a hell of a headwind on the way back... and the upgraded bracket did its job very well. I was fighting to keep from blowing all over my lane, but the windscreen (Vstream) was solid. Most of the ride was sustained 75-85 mph speeds.

The stock bracket may not have survived that trip... but I know for sure it would have been moving around a lot more.
If you need or want a replacement windshield bracket you can PM me for more information. It's the one that breaks. It's hidden behind a plastic cover just above the headlight.
Hi David.
A former COG member contacted me for your email address. He’s in the market for your bracket. His name is Ken Johnson and his address is: 12secondmerc@gmail.com

Pete (Bracket customer)
I just sold 3 brackets last week, now I've got 3 more inquiries. So I'll be making a batch, if anyone is interested. $200 plus shipping.
when you got a great product it sells itself. Thanks for keeping this going. 30K miles on mine and solid as a rock.
Thanks Tom and Pete. I'll email Ken. That makes 5 people waiting and I'm 70% through the manufacturing process, BUT, BIG BUT, my machine broke. It's a 1994 computer controlled retrofit on a Bridgeport. 3 generations out of support. No parts available. I'm getting quotes on a new model and dealing with cataract surgery yesterday. The control box had a loud humming noise for a couple days, then nothing. Possibly a power supply but no parts available. Does Anybody here do old machine repair?
I got it to run by removing and reseating all the boards and ribbon connectors. It still has a very loud hum that it never had before. hopefully it'll run to next week and I'll get this batch done. I can't get any repair guys to call me back so I may be replacing this thing soon. Then I'll be pushing to sell a bunch more brackets! (and other stuff)
Dave, I'm not a machine repair guy, but I've been around them some...if you have boards with edge connectors that plug into a rack, you might try pulling the boards out and rubbing the edge connectors with a ruby red eraser, the type of eraser material that comes on pencils.
When machines had these connection types, the electricians (the good ones) always carried pencils and one told me it was his best tool.
I don't think I'd try this on ribbon cable, but on certainly on edge connectors.
Good luck!
I got it to run by removing and reseating all the boards and ribbon connectors. It still has a very loud hum that it never had before. hopefully it'll run to next week and I'll get this batch done. I can't get any repair guys to call me back so I may be replacing this thing soon. Then I'll be pushing to sell a bunch more brackets! (and other stuff)
Are you still making these brackets or do you know anybody that could help me I just broke a bracket and could really use one I appreciate the time and help in advance
Are you still making these brackets or do you know anybody that could help me I just broke a bracket and could really use one I appreciate the time and help in advance
If you are purchasing a bracket but it needs to be manufactured I could loan you a factory bracket - you just pay shipping.

Wayne, Carol & Blue
If you are purchasing a bracket but it needs to be manufactured I could loan you a factory bracket - you just pay shipping.

Wayne, Carol & Blue
that'd be perfect for me to be honest shoot me your email and we can coordinate through there if that works for you thanks in advance brother
If you are purchasing a bracket but it needs to be manufactured I could loan you a factory bracket - you just pay shipping.

Wayne, Carol & Blue
Just to clarify as well do you mean actually loan to be returned until the manufacture of a replacement bracket or am I keeping this bracket? Just want to understand thanks again in advance.
Find out first from @laker9142 when he can get you a, I dub it the 'Wonder Bracket', (@laker9142 you can use that name if you wish, a little royalty of course :sneaky:). IF the Wonder Bracket is not available immediately, I can borrow you my factory Wimpy Bracket until David can hook you up.

Once you get your Wonder Bracket, you swap out the brackets and send me back my factory loaner Wimpy Bracket.

It is a way to not lose ride time if there is a wait for a new Wonder Bracket. Where are you located?

BTW - The Wonder Bracket is awesome, have had it installed for a couple years and SOLID. Very nice not needing to be worried of my windshield snapping off in the middle of nowhere during high winds, repeated blasts from high profile vehicles or from closed-course riding of speeds above the local limits.

Are you joining as a full member? Also are you coming to the National event in about a month?

Join for the bike, Stay for the People!

Wayne, Carol & Blue
I have one in stock, I was holding it for someone, but he's not broken down. Then I'll make a batch prior to the national. $200 for members, $225 non members. Plus $15-20 shipping depending on location. PM me for payment and address information.
Wayne, I'm not sure about that name but I do appreciate the kind words.
I have one in stock, I was holding it for someone, but he's not broken down. Then I'll make a batch prior to the national. $200 for members, $225 non members. Plus $15-20 shipping depending on location. PM me for payment and address information.
Wayne, I'm not sure about that name but I do appreciate the kind words.
@laker9142 good products / service deserve good reviews… Are you going to be installing the ‘brackets’ at the National for buyers too, maybe small fee? Maybe post

@edgyteen18006956 there’s a bracket with your name on it! Sign-up for COG and get $20 off plus, all the other value and benefits of COG.

Wayne, Carol & Blue
@laker9142 good products / service deserve good reviews… Are you going to be installing the ‘brackets’ at the National for buyers too, maybe small fee? Maybe post

@edgyteen18006956 there’s a bracket with your name on it! Sign-up for COG and get $20 off plus, all the other value and benefits of COG.

Wayne, Carol & Blue
Awesome I appreciate all the help I'll buy me a membership here in a bit once I get out of work 🤙thinking of taking a road trip in August excited to get the Connie in working order I'm located in SW Ohio precisely Dayton area and I would love to come to the national event where would I find info on that? Looking forward to maybe actually having a group now been looking for one since I got the bike about a month or two ago have big plans!
@edgyteen18006956 see the below links. Regrettably you just missed the cutoff for early registration.

Your homework ;) is below:
  1. Get your membership / join the COG as a full member
  2. Order bracket from @laker9142 with your $20 discount
  3. See National Event landing page
  4. If dates align with your availability (Aug 12-16) Register for the National Event
  5. If dates do not align with your availability cancel all other plans and see bullet #4
  6. Book your hotel at Days Inn (for rally central), inform booking person you are with the CONCOURS OWNERS GROUP for discounted rate and availability
  7. Go back and check out all the benefits and features of the COG, technical documents, planned events, etc.
See you soon!
Wayne, Carol & Blue
@laker9142 good products / service deserve good reviews… Are you going to be installing the ‘brackets’ at the National for buyers too, maybe small fee? Maybe post
I could do that if anyone is interested. Might even do a Rally Special. If anyone needed help installing one I could at least offer assistance.

I might give one away if the Rally team is interested.
@edgyteen18006956 see the below links. Regrettably you just missed the cutoff for early registration.

Your homework ;) is below:
  1. Get your membership / join the COG as a full member
  2. Order bracket from @laker9142 with your $20 discount
  3. See National Event landing page
  4. If dates align with your availability (Aug 12-16) Register for the National Event
  5. If dates do not align with your availability cancel all other plans and see bullet #4
  6. Book your hotel at Days Inn (for rally central), inform booking person you are with the CONCOURS OWNERS GROUP for discounted rate and availability
  7. Go back and check out all the benefits and features of the COG, technical documents, planned events, etc.
See you soon!
Wayne, Carol & Blue
Ok I'll check it out looks like a good time I've been planning a roadtrip but I'll have to look into if I can work this in as well if not I'm still excited to be part of the group nonetheless! Looks like a gorgeous spot as well!