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2024 Bun Cooler


First off let me thank Jim and Glena again for all the years of hard work keeping this event alive. It was the first event I ever attended and has still remained my favorite.
The registration page is live and the motel rooms and cabins already have some bookings, so get on the stick if you are planning on coming this year.
Please let me or the admin know if you have trouble paying online. I had one H E double hockey sticks of a time getting the captcha to work so I could pay online myself.
Also be sure to notice the additional meals available from the caterer are CASH ONLY at the event. She does not do cards. Only the Saturday night meal is included in your registration. She does want a head count for the additional meals if possible so click the boxes when you register if you want additional meals.
Looking forward to seeing everyone again.
When I talked to the caterer the meal was $25 and the registration says the cost is $36. What is the extra $11 for?
Greetings folks,

I had some alternative plans fall through, so it looks like I'll be able to attend this year's event. Unfortunately for me, my "last minute" decision means there's "no room left at the inn". If anyone is looking for someone to share their room/cabin with, please give me a call (360 910-7925).
