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Faulty Cooling Fan

Hi guys!
I have model GTR 2011 ABS
I've been having problems with overheating recently.
After checking, I found that my left larger fan is faulty and it needs to be replaced.
Does this happen normally?
Has anyone installed a used fan or did you buy a new one?
New is quite expensive and as far as I can see, there are plenty of used ones in good condition on the market.
When I compare cooling fans with ZX14 they look the same. Do they fit?
Has anyone installed any other fans?

Thanks a lot for the answers!
Did you buy a used fan or what?

Same for my 2012. 14k miles. I disconnected the power to the left fan and let it run til the right fan came on. I checked the left power supply and it's almost 14vdc. No continuity across the fan motor leads though. No resistance either. So either a bad motor or bad lead coming off the motor. Looks like a pita to remove the fan too. Yaaaay!
I had to replace my left fan a couple of years ago with a used one off Ebay.
If you have the Factory Service Manuel its pretty easy really
Its just nuts and bolts and I got my radiator out for a cleaning too
When the left one failed it blew the fuse to both of them, while waiting on my new fan I disconnected the left fan and put a new fuse in to keep riding, not a great idea.
I found out you can't ride far with one of the fans out, in stop and go traffic it easily gets too hot and overheating is so bad for the engine.
2014 C-14
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I had to replace my left fan a couple of years ago with a used one off Ebay.
If you have the Factory Service Manuel its pretty easy really
Its just nuts and bolts and I got my radiator out for a cleaning too
When the left one failed it blew the fuse to both of them, while waiting on my new fan I disconnected the left fan and put a new fuse in to keep riding, not a great idea.
I found out you can't ride far with one of the fans out, in stop and go traffic it easily gets too hot and overheating is so bad for the engine.
2014 C-14
Thanks Nick. We're supposed to have our first 90° day tomorrow here in Sacramento. But it gets much hotter than that.

I don't have a service manual yet. So the radiator has to come out? I've been wanting to flush the radiator anyway. And I think you have to take quite a bit of plastic off just to do that so ...
I replaced the left fan with one off eBay. It wasn't really bad at all getting the radiator out. I figure out the lower horse shoe shaped fairing assembly is flexible enough to remove as one unit.
I had a fan fail and it was because of a blown fuse. I was riding for a few days in very heavy winds. As far as I can tell the winds or some debris increased the resistance of the fan enough to blow the fuse. After replacing it I have ridden 10K miles without issue. It sounds like this is not the same as the OP.