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1955 UK Motorcycle Safety Film

What a great film!  It was cool to see how similar things are even sixty years on.  Did you notice the Avon tire logo on the box in the shop?  But a lot of things have changed too.  These days you always shift on the left and brake on the right.  The "high speed" roadways were just widened country lanes and the small roads were downright TINY!  The trolley tracks all over the city streets were a reminder of the old days too.

I loved the riding gear.  Though the styles have changed, the function is basically the same.  I've even put newspaper inside the front of my riding jacket on very cold days!

It was really cool to see that - thanks for sharing!  I wish the other 13 minutes of that "40 minute film" had been preserved.
That was really cool, Steve. Thanks for sharing it! I had no idea anything like that had been done in 1955!

Waders, gotta get some.  ;)

I have to agree. Using that razor can be a lethal weapon!  I tried shaving once with one of the "old" safety razors and decided growing a beard wasn't such a bad idea after all. I mean I had to cover the scar with something!

Nice old film.
Thanks Steve! That was really enjoyable. Love the output of the Lucas electrics.

    Tom Taylor COG#7173
Cool! I noticed that the music in that era's films like this sounds the same regardless of the country! And note the comparison between the revolver and the razor blade!

Also, the hand signal for a right turn is very different than ours. And it appears that some of the same issues exist today such as violation of right of way! And riding parallel to all those trolley tracks gave me the heebie jeebies!

Thanks, Steve. Very interesting!

i am a brit now in texas  what  a great vid  i even  have one of those  455 webley pistols that still works