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August 10, 2013 Newburgh, NY Meet & Greet

Cap'n Bob

I just realized that I didn't start a thread for the August M&G in Newburgh, NY. Well now that it's only a day or two away, here's the last minute notice.  :-[ 

As usual, the second Saturday of the month Meet & Greet in Newburgh will take place at the Neptune Diner on Rt17K, this Saturday 8/10/2013. It's posted to start at 11AM, but some of us tend to be there a little early to get in some tire kicking time. Anyway, sorry for the short notice in case you didn't know already. As always, here's a link to the posting in the calendar of events. Hope to see y'all there.

Well I hope I don't put the whammy on us. But the weather looks really nice for tomorrow. (imagine that) Anyway, after getting  about 5+" of rain today, I think we have had enough rain for the weekend. But just be careful out there. We had a lot of flooding in the area. So especially the back roads could have surprises of water around the next bend. Hopefully it will have drained down by tomorrow. But I'm sure the main roads will probably be good to go also.
Well mother nature smiled on us for once (lately). And absolutely beautiful day. Partly cloudy, low humidity, somewhere around 80 degrees. Yes, yes. So anyway, after yesterday, I wasn't expecting too many folks to ride out. But I'm happy to report that we had 9 people come out for lunch. And cooler yet, everyone came from different directions. I want to thank everyone that came out.  :great:
I'd ask who was there on Saturday but I'm afraid you will just tell me I should have been there to find out.  Unfortunately family commitments kept me from enjoying a beautiful weekend for riding.  :(