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Autocom Active-Plus install



When AutocomAmerica dropped the line (or the line dropped them??), they had a sale on all of their old stock. My riding buddy and I picked up the Active-Plus for $139 each. Retail was $299. I spent a couple of weeks figuring out how I wanted to install it so I could order all the cables and isolators I would need and get it done in one foul swoop. I'm a confessed gadget guy. Early adopter for all you non-gadget types, and also an Amateur Radio Operator (VA7RX). My goal was to have my iPhone bluetoothed to my Zumo 550 which would connect via hard cable to the autocom. I wanted to be able to plug my iPhone into the device by cable so I could listen to music. I also wanted to have a dual band hand held radio (Yaesu VX-6R) and my radar detector (escort 8500 X50) working as well. I built a custom cable for the Zumo isolator so I could use it in the Aux1 position. Music in Aux2, radar detector in Aux3 and Yaesu in Aux4. Today was the final test (except for one cable I didn't order to extend the headset more) and all works as ordered. All of the cables are routed under the tank in that handy ABS brake channel. Wire tied so they don't slip around. The Autocom control unit is velcro'd to the kipass unit. On the left is the Autocom isolator for the Zumo. On the far right is the isolator for the radar detector. Both the Zumo and the Escort are bike powered so isolators are necessary to prevent ground loop noise. At the very back is the passenger headset connector coiled up under the seat. The escort isolator was moved inside the frame rail. Here is the cockpit view with the glove box closed. Out of the picture is the left grip that has the Push To Talk button. Both the Zumo and the Yaesu are water proof. This view shows where I mounted the escort radar detector. I'm using a Ram magnetic mount and built a bracket that attaches to the two fairing screws with a spacer. There is no weather protection here so the escort has to be baggied or put away in poor weather. I ran the mp3 player cable into the glove box. My iPhone is controlled by the Zumo for phone function, and I'm going to buy a remote that will control it with the lid closed. On my demo ride I found it got pretty warm in there so I'll probably try insulating the bottom of the glove box tray. With this radio I can communicate via repeater or simplex to my usual riding partner. It is also capable of FRS and GMRS frequencies. I have some helmet speakers that I am going to canibalize from some useless Tork headsets I tried a few years ago. I'm going to replace the cables and loan out FRS radios with a speaker that friends on a ride can use to listen for instructions etc. They won't be able to talk back.
A couple of other things I should mention. I bought the Autocom direct from Autocom America. They were not really helpful with the few problems I ran into, but under the circumstances I can understand why. Who WAS exceedingly helpful was Adam from RocketMoto.com. My riding buddy, Pedro and I approached 4 different dealers looking to buy about $600 in cables and stuff to make this project work for both of us. Me in my C14 and Pedro on his R1200RT. Adam was always there to answer our questions and had the best pricing of the dealers that would even bother to give us pricing. I find it hard to believe that 4 out of 5 dealers we contacted wouldn't take the time of day to even give us a decent price quote. Adam talked us through the whole system configuration and even provided factory documentation when I needed to crack open and adjust the audio levels internally to get it just right. I can't say enough good things about the service we were given by RocketMoto. http://rocketmoto.com/ Their website sucks, but they really came through for us. Thanks Adam.