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Bicycle rack for a C-10


Mini Bike
I was looking at purchasing a Johnny Rack for my Connie. On the Johnny Rack web page I recognized a photo of a female COG member with a road bicycle on a Johnny Rack. I would like to get some feedback on the rack, how it works on the m-cycle and are you happy with it. I just bought a Concours a month ago and am still learning. When I bicycled across the northern US and Ontairo in 2003 I camped alongside many touring motorcyclists and that is what got me started. If you are out there please respond. I am glad there are others that like two wheels with and without motors!!! Thanks in advance, Rick
I'm sorry to see no one has replied to this Rick. I was curious about it myself. Be sure to let us know if you come through Toontown again.
When I went to their site it said that they were out of stock and that they were designing the next generation so you may not see one to buy for awhile on there.