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BMW Scores Again...


What do you guys think?

2012 BMW K1600GT vs. 2011 Kawasaki Concours 14 ABS [Video]

"When it's all said and done, the BMWK1600GT is, hands down, the cream of
the crop in the sport-touring segment today." Ouch! I'm not sure I could
ever get past the Duolever setup on the Beamer. I like to have the full
feel of all the input coming into me as I dive into and out of corners.

The BMW looks like a beast.  However, I have a theory on life that has served me well, and I think it applies here.  When I get ready to make a purchase, and the items under consideration are of differing prices, I ask is the more expensive one proportionally better?  For instance, if I'm looking at a place to play golf, and one is $30 a round, and one is $150, will the more expensive one be 5 times better? Saying that, I think the C14 would be the better bike/$. If money is no object...buy 1 of each, and see which one you like better.  Then give the other one to me.  :D

Matt said:
The BMW looks like a beast.  However, I have a theory on life that has served me well, and I think it applies here.  When I get ready to make a purchase, and the items under consideration are of differing prices, I ask is the more expensive one proportionally better?  For instance, if I'm looking at a place to play golf, and one is $30 a round, and one is $150, will the more expensive one be 5 times better? Saying that, I think the C14 would be the better bike/$. If money is no object...buy 1 of each, and see which one you like better.  Then give the other one to me.  :D


Hard to look at it that way because of law of diminishing returns. for example.  A magnum bullet costs 30% or so more, packs 30% or so more powder for a 10% gain in velocity.  Thats fairly close to realistic. 

For the beemer, it costs a lot more to get a little more in a bike. LAlthought the beemer is packed with features.

Now even having said all that, I have no plans to rush out and buy one  ;D
Money money money money... isn't that a song?  Forget money because you guys will sell something or save harder and you'll go buy what you think you need to have.  We're all boys and we all work our way up in horsepower and down in common sense.  Money ain't the deal breaker on the 1600.

BMW is playing the "What can we think of next?" game.  This jerk says the horse is faster than any other ever but it's never been in a race!  He's stupid... no, he thinks we're stupid. 

The votes haven't began to come in.  This is either the most technologically advanced motorcycle or the most screaming mother of all gods migraine headaches on the horizon.  I want to see this bike with 3 years and 40,000 miles on it.  I plan to miss some of the fun. 

Whatever the money, nothing is any fun when it's broke, what's wrong is a mystery to everybody and nobody knows how to fix it.  Now who are you going to resell that to?  You'll trade it in to whoever will take it off you hands... for any money.