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Bridge Day, 2017


Oct 20,21,22, 2017
Bridge Day, Webster Springs WV.
Mineral Springs Motel
1 304 847 5305
I don’t remember what the rooms are held under, just mention Jason and the motorcycle group.

Always a fun time.
cog 32
I just talked to the motel.............
My block of rooms is all gone but there are still more rooms available.

Anyone joining us?
Spackler said:
Brett and I are riding down, weather permitting (it isn't snowing, sub-zero, or a monsoon).

Great!!! We've never had Snow but it has been below freezing several times on the way up out of the valley!

Makes it interesting.
I don't know if the desk attendant was just surly, or if I gave my cc number to a passing drifter who just happened to answer the phone.
Spackler said:
I don't know if the desk attendant was just surly, or if I gave my cc number to a passing drifter who just happened to answer the phone.

Randy can be a little gruff sometimes....................but he puts up a tent for us to park under!

Great weekend
cog 32
gsjay said:

15 Motorcycles, 2 Suzuki's, 1 KTM, a Ducati, 3 Concours' 14, 11 BMW's and one Mopar!

Great weekend
cog 32