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Brittany's Story

S Smith

Northeast Area Director
Great video... should be shown as part of rider training courses. 


I just spent 3 days riding off road with my son's on single and double track, they wore full body gear including boots, shin and elbow pads and a breast plate. They fell off multiple times and in the hot tub tonight neither could find one scratch!

My daughter fell off twice 3 weeks ago and because she had no elbow pads (because we we only going for a short ride) she received a nice graze on her arm that will be a badge of honor for a month or so!

No matter how long the ride. wear the gear!  :beerchug:

Thanks for sharing this.

I recall reading a particularly well worded bumper sticker which read:

"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance"

I really don't understand why there is such an aversion to wearing proper gear, but there is. I guess some really want to experience the freedom....of pain and disfigurement.  My "hats on" for Brittany!
awesome...  kills me when I see people in shorts and a t-shirt with a "brain bucket" on...don't forget flip-flops.... :-[