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CDA Application


Big Wheel
After reading some of the CDA's, I figured I would throw in my application.

In the neighborhood where I live, we have the rolled styled curbs, which includes them going to the opening to the driveways.

I was coming home after a long day at work.  At the time we didn't have a gargage door opener, so I put a little honk on the horn for the wife to open the door.  At the time I had only owned the bike for roughly 6 months and was still getting a bit used to how she acts.  I stopped at the opening of the driveway, however I went a little too far up the driveway, which is a slight hill and went to put my foot down.  As I tried to reach the ground, I finally did, but it was far too late by that time, the bike was at the point of no return.  I then decide the best thing for me to do, is push away from the bike before it went on top of me.  So there the wife stands at the top of the driveway, wondering what the heck just happened, not sure if she should be concerned or laugh.  I look around to see if anyone saw that entire episode, luckily no one saw.  So I quickly go to the side of the bike and dead lifted her to the wheels, I guess there is a lot to be said for adrenaline.

Only damage was a little scrape on the mirror and on the saddle bag.  A bruised ego.
Welcome to the club Ron!!!!!  I bet you've figured out that by far, your not the first one to have this happen to. At least nobody (other than the wife) really had seen your episode! So did it really happen?  :))


I hear you on the inclined driveway.  Mine is at a 10 degree angle and I back the bike out while on it, step by step with firm feet down.  But sometimes I have to tell myself to "slow down self" so I keep that good footing.
Glad you are ok and only 1 witness!

Ron, you should be more careful... I haven't ever done such a thing (since last time) nor will I ever do it (till next time). ~sigh~
Alas, no matter how careful you are it seems Connie just slips loose on occasion.  Welcome to the club.  Some of us have multiple CDAs... others of us are in denial and refuse to report accurately.  Of course I mean other folks and not myself.  O:)