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Changing oil filter without changing oil.. doable?

I was in a pinch needing to change my oil, but I didn't have quick access to any oil filters..  therefore, I kept the filter on and got fresh synthetic in..  I want to get a new filter on the bike though, and am wondering if I can remove the filter and put the new one on without taking a shower from oil shooting out or making a huge mess in my garage..  any issues with pulling a filter swap in this circumstance?  Thanks!
Don't know how you would get filter out without draining existing oil in the process - unless you flip bike upside down.  :)

Its not the end of the world to use that filter until next oil change.
The oil filter is side mounted. You might lose some oil (definitely whats in the filter). But I doubt you'll lose that much.
my concern is that when I changed the oil and didn't have filter, the oil was nasty, so I'm guessing prior owner hadn't changed in a while..  I presume the filter might be in bad shape, and I don't want to push it if I can help it as I'm heading out for a 1 day, 1k mile ride on Saturday AM..
If you are truly worried,  get a CLEAN drain pan,  drain the oil into the pan,  swap filter, then pour it back in afterwards...
You can remove the oil filter and not lose much oil, have the new one ready and drop the old one off and put the new one on, when you change the oil usually the only oil that comes out when you change the filter is whats in the filter. You might have to add a few ounces.
Thanks again for the advice guys..  I decided since I have clean fully synthetic oil in there, I should be fine for my 1500 miles this weekend..  I'll just swap everything out when I return..