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Clear view windscreen

Does any one have experience with the clear view windscreen? http://www.clearviewshields.com/shop/product.php?id=42 Would you recommend it? I find the vent attractive. How does it compare to Cee Baily's?
I have one on my '03. It looks like the one on the red connie on the web page you linked. No vent. Tall and wide. The horizon is just above the top of the shield, no risers, and I'm 6'2". I can sit more upright and get the air (to blow my helmet shield clear of rain), or I can duck down and get no air. It does remove a lot of air, to where I can hear the engine instead of wind buffeting my helmet. Fuel mileage does suffer a few points. I only have experience with this one and the stock. The Clearview is on the bike a lot more. Main complaint is the width prevents my COG cover from going all the way down the shield. I have about 2 inches flopping above. ..dz..