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COG 25th Anniversary National Rally Camping Info



A reminder for all planing to take in the National Rally;
February 28 is the last day to get in on early registration and save $10.00
I'm impressed at the number of riders that want to camp so far, so we should have a really good crowd of fun loving riders. If you haven't camped with the SE riders yet, you might consider starting a training program to be able to keep up with us. The fire area will be established by the time you get to the campground, so if you're not a late night person, my suggestion would be to not be too close to this action area. It might make for a better night sleep.
I'll be in the campground on Thursday or Friday, so if you want to make this an extended stay, you'll have some company. We'll have the coffee station set up for daily use throughout the week, and I will bring plenty of coolers with ice for our common use. There will be a two burner gas stove for your use if you want to make some meals but don't want or have a stove to pack. I'm working to have a grill to use, and possibly we can do a burgers & dogs night together.  If you have any other suggestions or questions, please contact me.
Al Norcross ( IronButtAl )    sead@cog-online.org
Al, you're making this more tempting with every turn.

Will you be hauling a kegerator up with you? That should tip the scales

For me at least
I see they do Gowlers. I can carry 3 in each saddle bag. That might be the ticket.  :beerchug: