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Cold temperature storage........


Here's a question for you guys in the great white north. What's the coldest temp ( please specify f or c) that you have stored your C14 in? Also have you had any problems with the plastic cracking?
What ever the outside temperature has happened to be. You have sub zero weather in the winter up here. But mostly it's probably 0-30 degrees F at night. But on occasion we get weather down around 10-20 below zero. Never had problems with the bike. But of corse it's not sitting out directly in the weather either.
I'm originally from the northern Adirondack Park area of NY. Most of my family still lives in the area. I believe snowmobile plastics are the same material and I have never heard of them cracking from the cold and that's as far down as -40 F.

Scott Bechler said:
I'm originally from the northern Adirondack Park area of NY. Most of my family still lives in the area. I believe snowmobile plastics are the same material and I have never heard of them cracking from the cold and that's as far down as -40 F.


Thanks Scott, That's what i was thinking, but I had to ask.