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Consumption record 1400GTR/Concours 14

On http://translate.google.be/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=nl&tl=en&u=logocom.be%2Fmoto%2F1400gtr you can find a small from Dutch with google translated webpage about a very dangerous record and the description how I did it in ECO-modus (shifting from 1st over 3th to 6th, 6th only has the larges gain in consumption to less thant 4 liter per 100 km). Could anyone here translate perhaps the original page, because the Australation forum also like this page. If you break the record, send me the data and I will publish it also. With greatings from 'over the water'... VAN BELLE Jean Marc, Bellegoed, Straatje 21 BELLEGEM BELGIUM EUROPE +32-56/252520 +32-470/49.29.31 PS: I was former a PanAmerican ST1100 driver, this Kawa is... fantastic! Driving it means a pure orgasm from start to end with 155 HP between the legs. That's why I call her 'my new girlfriend' (translated in error by google to 'my new boyfriend'). Can someone provide me with information on MPG, I did not dare to calculated this to American standards? PS2: Sorry for my poor English. :)