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DMV New Year's Day ride?


Mod on a Connie in a neighborhood near you
Hey, everyone! Weather is gonna be in the mid 40's tomorrow, kinda cloudy. Anyone within 100 miles of DC wanna go on a ride? I can come to you, or you can come to me, or we can meet halfway and ride some roads.

I know it's short notice, but I'm game if anyone else is. I also will probably be going to bed before midnight, so I'm down for an early start.

Let me know and lets get some impromptu miles in!

Anyone?!? I'll fill your tank AND give you a 1/2oz shot of TCW3!!

Edit 1: Come on; its not THAT cold... and your Connie will like the crisp air!!

Edit 2: If gas doesn't entice you, perhaps I can ply you with a more.... libatious sort of clear or golden colored liquid.... 🤣

Edit 3: Seriously? On a motorcycle forum, and NO ONE wants to ride? What are you? Scurred of some cold?!?!? 😎

Edit 4: What if I sing you a song, or write you a poem?!?

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