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EX250 & bad battery

S Smith

Northeast Area Director
I have a suspicion the FM battery in the EX250 had a case of sudden death syndrome. It all began when my son found the battery weak/dead after leaving the key on. He went to hook up the Tender and called to ask why the red light was flashing.  Later that evening I tried and the charger worked. A day or so later he rides the bike to school and when he comes out form class that night it was dead again. Like shorted dead?

We try to bump start it and when it started it was sounded like it was running on 1/2 cylinder and the tach was hovering around 6000 but it was barely idling. He was at the school where we had training bikes and I found an old Nighthawk battery which luckily was the same type. Put it in and dash lights glowed but not enough juice to crank. Bump start again and it was running normal.

Question is... could a shorted battery load down the electrical system so much it disturbs the ignition and screws with the tach?

I read on the Ninja 250 Rider club FAQ once that you cannot bump start a Ninja250 with a dead battery and have it run. You have to charge the battery some. I forget the explanation and am too lazy to go look for you. But that does ring a bell.