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Finally, it happened


Street Cruiser
I've had my 88 for over 12 years and never had any damage to it, but that changed today. The wife requested that I run some errands for her and I agreed. With it being so hot I thought it better to take the LT. So I was going over it, checking the trunk and side bags to make sure I had room to carry everything. I was closing the left hand side bag and it wasn't working right, so I gave it another try with a bit more force. WRONG thing to do as this started the huge monster falling over on the right. I grabbed whatever I could and tried holding it upright, but that didn't work. What was on the right, my connie. Seems the LT saddle bag hit the saddle bag on the connie and that it started falling to the right. But the garage wall was fairly close and stopped it from going all the way over. But I heard a crack and once all was over, the connie was laying over at about a 50 degree angle. I got the LT up, no damage, then went to the connie. It was against the wall, so I had to get over on the right and pull it up. Once up, windshield cracked, the bug eye light mount, bent up past 90 degrees, and the corner of the fairing by the turn signal cracked. The mirror wasn't harmed, the fog light under the top edge of the fairing, never touched. It didn't even move the stock air wings, but the bolt on the bottom of the bug eye light left a nice gash in the garage wall. As for getting things back, the light mount can be bent back, I have another windshield on hand, and will have to glue that crack back together. Closing thoughts, the LT can go over and sustain no damage, connie cannot. But then again, BMW can't build a rear drive and Kawasaki can. End result, 6 of one, half dozen of the other. Let me know the CDA number. Not a happy camper. tcars John
John, CDA 0327 Amazing you made it 12 years! At least you weren't on it when it happened! Sounds very fixable. Good luck with the repairs - glad they weren't any worse. I think you have a first with that type of drop. Greg H from Mass Connie Droppers Anonymous Awards Dude COG# 7010,a Tracey CDA 120 (2.0) 99 Connie "Herrin Christabelle" 05 Ninja 250
Greg: Thanks, as least I can remember that number as I once had a Chevy with a 327. It ran pretty good, but that was many years ago. tcars John
John, That's because the Connie cushioned the fall of the LT. Had it been the other way around, the Connie probably wouldn't have any damage and something would be broke on the LT.
Robert: Well the LT has been over two times prior. Once on the right, blown over by the wind, again, no damage. I was in the shop and heard a noise, quite surprised when I learned what the noise was. The other time was at the Ga Mtn Rally, rainy of course, I'd just ridden up and parked. I had walked about 4 steps away when I heard this clash and of course it was the LT, over on its left side. Seems the soft ground would not hold the beast. Again, no damage other than my dignity as that was it's first time over and there was a rather large audience. I'm beginning to think of it more as a "Weeble" as it just keeps falling over. My connie never did that, not until the beast knocked it over into the garage wall. Just remember this, do not ever ride a beemer. If you do, well you will be spoiled and also cursed like me.