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First Week Drop


Big Wheel
So I decided my dual sport needed a stable mate, my wife gave me the thumbs up so I bought my 2010 C14 in Aug.  6 days after taking delivery, I was backing it out of the garage with the stand left down, I didn't realize my foot hit the kickstand and it snapped up.  When I leaned the bike over to set it on the stand, imagine my surprise when it kept going over. I was able to ease it onto the ground, so damage was very minor.  Some scratches on the black part of the left side bag which probably occurred while picking it up, but geez, scratches on the brand new bike  :-\    One benefit of riding a big thumper, I have a lot of experience picking it up off the ground (I hate sand, and that's all we have in Ern NC).
Funny that this happened this way. Because I'm paranoid about that happening, so I'm always looking to see where the kick stand is. I was unlucky enough to have mine go over from the kick stand as well. It hurts your ego and your wallet when it's something that you could have prevented!  ;D  Anyway welcome to the club that nobody wanted to be a member of!  :))
BBAR said:
Anyway welcome to the club that nobody wanted to be a member of!  :))

Education is hardly ever free.  Sorry to hear but sure not an uncommon occurrence.
Ouch, that has to hurt!  The dreaded Kickstand Crash!
Could happen to anyone.  ;)

BZinNC, CDA 0333.
