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From The Desk of the SWAD


Well, I guess it's really the lap of the SWAD. Hopefully all members have rec'd the latest issue of the Concourier. Does it just KICK BUTT or what? This issue was SW area heavy with the cover of Jim P's bike in Escalante, Pics of a SO NV ride, the SWAD report, write up for the upcoming Regional Red Rock 'n Rally and a missive (spelling?) by our very own wordsmith Bert L. on route 66. For the forum members an update (full membership brings you this fine publication to your door 4 times a year). I am still learning how to work the COGDOM email system. I promise to try harder. Mike B in UT has a great day ride planned, I'm heading down to Prescott AZ for a Meet and Greet/ overnighter/ Sunday ride with the AZ group put on by Bert L this weekend. It looks like the wrench session in CO was a great success this past weekend and thanks to all that participated. There is the Ride Around the Mountain scheduled for SO NV May 5. All of these events have threads in the forum and most are on the calendar. The Oatman Tall tales ride was a great event and I really enjoyed meeting everyone there. I'm usually not a large group rider but this group of folks were well versed in group riding. Holding lines, keeping safe spacing, watching the mirrors for folks behind. A great example of this club. We won't discuss the fashion statement I made.

The Red Rock'n Rally is right around the corner and the rally elves are hard at work. We are just below 40 registered. Room block closes down in about a week so pay attention to the calendar. Early reg closes soon after and the price goes up. Early bird gets the worm. Look for some announcements for 2014 to be revealed there.

Of course the big dog is the National rally in Idaho Falls coming up. I'm registered. Are you? Planning is going great. Ever see close to 300 Connie fanatics in one place? You will there.

I've seen the threads for So Cal/LA area. If anyone is interested in hosting a ride please let me know. I will help plan and execute. Unfortunately I probably won't be able to attend but I know some great routes and can help in planning and logistics. Just need someone to say "Yeah, I'll be here on such date at such time". It's that easy.

I've heard of some events being planned in the Central/Nor Cal area and trying to get a handle on them. I've asked Randy B. to see if we can get some of these publicized and on the Calendar.

As always let us know if any questions, concerns or issues. That's why were here. Lots of great things going on. Let's keep this train puffing steam and moving forward.
Mark Hartman
FROM THE DESK OF?????  :-\  .....you got a desk for being the SWAD.  Can I get a desk, maybe a small one on two wheels  :motonoises:

All kidding aside, Mark great job you are doing and I really enjoy working with you and seeing the SW region turning the corner and blossoming again  :singing:

Ditto what Bert said, it's been a real pain in the ass pleasure working with you.  You really know how to choke the throat, kick some ass, manage people.  Must be the Marine in ya'. 

Seriously though....excellent job you're doing!  Just try and keep you're pants on huh?  ::)

My AD is a former Marine? Awesome!

I haven't gotten to meet many folks here since I just joined recently, but is it me or are there an inordinate number of former US service members who ride a Connie?  :motonoises:

I count myself among them, Semper Fidelis!

Enjoyed hanging with you and the better half and Mikey prior to the Oatman ride.  Keep up the good work!!
...and another attaboy(s) from a Floridjit! :great: See some of ya bozos at the national.

ps - hey Randy, it's been awhile eh?
Thanks for the info.
I am registered for the Red Rockin Rally, and the National, and will be along for the Utah meet & greet day ride as well.
My boy and I are planning an Iron Butt / Saddle Sore ride out your way some time in June.
It looks like it's goin got be a fun summer.
