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Handlebar risers.


Greetings Riders, I have an 09 C14, and I love my Connie, but I don't like the lean forward, especially for long rides. The position causes problems with my wrists and my seat comfort. It's a delicate balance I know all too well. I installed the Heli risers which raise the bars up about 2" and back about an inch. I would like to go a little higher still for the perfect "zone." Has anyone out there done this? It would mean new cables, and most likely splicing all the electrical connections for extra length. Yikes! There must be some other tall riders out there that have this same problem? I heard that you can add 1 or 2 inch risers to the ones already installed, but much longer bolts will be needed. Any info you can share would be appreciated so Connie and I can remain a couple, and continue making beautiful rides together. She's a dream! brgenck
I have the risers from Murphs on 2008 much better than stock. What I realy would love to do is get the bars wider for more leverage and increased comfort. lsl I think can handle this with their handle bar conversion kit but big $$$$. Maybe one day. Often wonderd if the part of the bars where it exits the riser could be made longer, This woulg make wider bars with more pullback. I think brake and clutch lines would have to be changed but there should be enough slack avaliable in the wires worth a though. Any machinists out there who would be willing to try?
I will see you that hand and raise you one. If the grip posts are indeed removable then I would like to see a set that bends towards the front of the bike for a flatter hand hold. A little more dirt bikeish if you will. For me, the length is fine but the grips are too rearward swept and deadens my palms. As for your situation, it may be possible to shim under the riser blocks to add a little more height. Just a thought. UP
the length is fine but the grips are too rearward swept and deadens my palms. What he said... There've been recent discussions about this on the 'other' site. I'm not a machinist but I'd bet a six-pack of Leinies that new bars could be simply machined to 'bend' at the point where they leave the risers. I believe it's buried in this thread... http://forum.concours.org/index.php?topic=61483.0 Also see this thread... http://forum.concours.org/index.php?topic=56168.0
Greetings Riders, To answer my previous post...this is what I ended up doing. I purchased a double set of inch and a half risers from Gen Mar. They included the extra long bolts that are needed. I stacked them on top of one another for a 3 inch rise! The electrical wiring is just long enough for this modification, but the throttle cables, brake, and clutch lines have to be replaced. It's all done, and Connie feels great! I still have a slight forward lean, but most of the weight is now off my wrists for improved comfort. Then I sent my Sargent seat back and had them add an inch to both sides of the bucket, and build up the front a little so I don't slide forward at all. Perfect. I also had the pegs lowered. I'm 6 ft. tall and need to stretch out a little more. Connie was a great bike to begin with, but now she's darn near perfect. I took her on a 250 mile MSTA run through the twisties of Wisconsin last Sun. The handling has not been affected (IMO) by any of these changes in case you were wondering. I hope this helps any of you out there contemplating like changes to your bike. Good luck. The Happy Couple aka Bruce Genck & Connie