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Helpful info for new CONCOURS riders.


Mini Bike
Well, we've brought another rider to the dark side! :eg: Through a series of events we helped a friend sell a nicely farkled '97 to a really nice chap that flew in from S. Dakota. We went over the bike and provided as much info as we could, given a VERY short period of time. He's transitioning from a Drifter to the Connie. We rode with him to the MS River and bid farewell. He was grinning from ear to ear after only 20 miles. Every time we stopped, he said "What a great bike!" (Stated in spite of the Connie heat, downtown traffic, 95 degrees, Gustav humidity AND his leather jacket!) The "Mom" part of me kept thinking of things I should have told him before he rode off into the sunset. When I first rode my new Connie I was transitioning from a Triumph Tiger. I just had to learn to shift on the left side. What is the most useful thing you have learned and would share? I was warned about top-heaviness, but that's pretty obvious within a block. I find it difficult to say that ONE thing was the most helpful, but what is one of the most (Connie-specific) things that you found helpful? Correct tires and suspension set-up come to mind first for me. In addition, what is the most useful motorcycle specific advice you have learned? I think that engine braking and learning how to "throttle out" of certain situations has saved my butt on more than one occasion. NEXT? BTW, he made it home to South Dakota just fine and sounded like he had a GREAT ride! :8|:
On modifications to the bike - ride it for 1,000 miles and then decide on what you want to change (if anything). The proper technique for slow speed (parking lot) manuvers (body/shoulders on the outside of the turn). Not to use the front brake at parking lot speeds; especially while turning. Tire pressures 40/42 to reduce cupping. Get to a tech session in your area to learn more about the mechanicals of the bike. Murph (www.murpskits.com). Get to know some COGers at rides and rallies. They are a great bunch that will help you out in a pinch. Greg H from Mass, Connie Droppers Anonymous Awards Dude COG# 7010,a Tracey CDA 120 99 Connie "Herrin Christabelle", 05 Ninja 250
Definitely feather the clutch and use the rear brake at slow speeds instead of using the front brake. Join COG and visit the COG website with any questions you might have and to get to know fellow Connie owners. :)
Get Murph's tip bars. Saved my plastic twice. Everything "most helpful" generally speaking about bikes I learned from the BRC, so I'd have to say the most helpful advice was "take the BRC".
Don't park in a space with a down hill slope,you will wish she had reverse. NO front brake below 10 MPH Don't try to lift the bike when putting it on the center stand, it's all in rolling her back with a hard push of your right foot on the center stand. Always sit on the bike to take it off the center stand. She has an engine,,there is no good reason to push her. CT AAD COG #7011-A 2003 Concours-Mary Ann 1995 Honda Nighthawk 750 wifes