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Hunted by Deer- Be CAREFUL


Training Wheels

I was in very scenic  Southwestern Missouri. It is deer rutting season here  those of you from here know this.  About 5:30PM while outside of New London, I got a premintion to slow down. It was dusk  and I was in some beautiful  rolling winding roads in on some very twisty roads.

Within about a minute I was hit by a small deer I think it was doe. Everything happened so fast. I was not hurt thank God for that. And I was doing about 20 Mph. It knocked off my left saddle bag, hit me in the left leg area and then broke not only the saddle bag, but also part of the luggage mounting hardware rack.

I don't know what happened to the doe since I was in a fairly dangerous position and wanted to get off the road.

So I am looking for a used left saddle bag plus  the luggage rack.
Plus yesterday, it rained for about three hours in Iowa and part of Missouri- but I volunteered for it.

Are we maschoists?  So you take the good with the bad!

Still in the process of going to Key West Fla.


The people in Bowling Green Missouri  are very friendly and helpful!
Almost, said Bowling Green Kentucky.



I am taking the rest of the morning getting reorganized and fixing things.
Yeah Deer and bikes don't mix well.  Living in western Oregon with the woods still surounding everything Deer are a constant year round issue. As such we are "use" to seeing them and having a keen awareness of the potential strike. Not saying anyone else living anywhere else is not as aware, but when you see large blacktail and the occassional white tail and of course elk (they are soooo much bigger!  :-\) all the time, every season and anytime of the day, you tend to notice things more. Conditional awareness I guess.  Saw several doe and a forked horn yesterday on a short ride in the neighborhood er, woods......
I avoid riding at night for many reasons. Deer being just part of it. This time of year is much worse when the deer start moving. So be very careful around dusk and dawn with night in between!