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July 2013 Newburgh Meet & Greet

Cap'n Bob

Well this weekend is our monthly second Saturday of the month meet & greet in Newburgh, NY. The distant forecast for Saturday looks pretty good. Hopefully it will stay that way since it it's still five days off. Anyway we have lunch at the Neptune Diner and a possible ride afterwards. Start time is scheduled for 11AM. Although some of us tend to get there a little earlier for some extra tire kicking. Hope to see y'all there. For more information and directions, I included a link to the calendar of events posting below.

Well there's a 30% chance of rain for tomorrow. Better than most months. But hopefully we'll have a decent day. Hope to see y'all there.
Good to see everyone, even though some of us was damp.

Might get a dry day one of these times, today was not the day.
Ran into light rain in Middletown.

Yeah, yet another day that produced wet weather. Although it was pretty much dry in Newburgh for the actual M&G. So it again, could have been worse. Anyway, nine of us came for lunch. As always the food and service were very good at the Neptune. It was great to see everyone again.