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Kit Bike - Starter Engine


Street Cruiser
Anybody looking for a replacement engine for thier Connie?  Not sure if it would work easily but I imagine it would be possible to drop in a Kawasaki Jet Ski Ultra 300 just to putter around.

"At the heart of the Ultra 300X is a monstrous 1,498cc inline-four DOHC engine that produces around 300 horsepower. Built in to assist the engine is a high-tech Eaton Twin Vortices Series (TVS) roots supercharger and Kawasaki’s Electronic Throttle Valve System, both of which help channel Ultra 300X’s tremendous power exactly where and how a rider wants it."

Calling Dr. Dan, Dr. Colin, Dr. Rev...  Calling Dr. Dan, Dr. Colin, Dr. Rev...  :beerchug:
A couple of years ago we were vactioning in Barbadous and I drove one of those turbocharger Kawasaki water bikes for about an hour or so.  Let me tell you these things flat out fly, especially on the take off.  I was double and sometimes triple jumping waves!!
Makes my little JS440 look pretty weak by comparison.  I can pick mine up, though, so there! 

What I'd like to do is convert mine to electric.  Making a lithium pack that's safe for immersion might be a problem, though. 