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KLR Chan & Sprokets


Any of you KLR riders have a recommendation for new chain & sprockets? Need to replace mine. Brand name and/or webstie would be helpful.

Also, anyone want to weigh in on what chain is better o-ring or x-ring?

Hey Kurt, how's it going buddy. Haven't any preferance to the X or O, as keeping them up with lube is the key. Scott Oiler gives me 30K on a set, but do yourself a favor and go with the 16 tooth counter and mess with the rear to give yourself the best possible choice for the riding /terrain you'll be riding. You've seen me loaded like Jed Clampit, and 16/41 seems to work best for my style riding. Might have to do a little feathering with the clutch trying to hold onto Ken in the woods, but it's my best choice in the end. You can cut your rear sprocket in half which makes changing on the fly during a trip easier. Buy a chain press and spare master link, as you'll never get a spare masterlink clip on without a press. And remember "A slappy chain is a happy chain".