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Laminar Lip or Taller Windshield?


Big Wheel
I could not decide and did not get a chance to try either. With the wind bashing and noise something had to give though. The lip was the cheapest fix and the taller windshield looked slick. The cheapest won, I am happy with the results. I installed the lip with masking tape first to experiment with positioning and found the taller position best.Once stuck you are done, no chance to move. The next time I will squeeze to make a little more room for air and raise just a little. No more head bashing and noise reduced about 75%. Makes for a pleasant ride, and it is easy to see over. :)
I installed a Laminar Lip on my Connie about 3 years ago and I am still happy I did. It allowed me to ride with my visor open. Before, I could not open it even for ventilation, even as much as a 1/4", and still expect to see well. Now, I can open it as much as I need wth no problems. raulb 2003 Connie COG #6043 CDA #281 AMA #699463 "It may not be smart or correct, but it's one of the things that make us what we are." --Red Green, "The New Red Green Show"
I put a Lip on my OEM shield for a year, and then went to a Cee Baileys shield. The Lip did a good job though, for the same reason you mentioned- less money available at the time. I've had the CB for a couple years, even added the Lip to it as well, with favorable results. Recently a minor crash broke my CB and had me back on the OEM, at first w/o the Lip. Then adding the Lip back to it I recalled what a difference it made in smoothing the airflow off the shield, esp at highway speeds. I will be going back to another CB in the spring, but the Lip on the OEM shield is a great interim solution; also a good upgrade for the money, IMHO. :) Steve K. '02 Concours COG# 6550 AMA# 965469 'No matter where you go, there you are...'