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matching paint


Anyone know of off the shelf spray paints that come close to matching Kawasaki colors, I have an 87 red Concours that need some touch up.
This is the only place that I have ever heard of. http://www.color-rite.com/ I have not ordered from them but its not cheap and red is the hardest color to match due to fading so don't be to shocked if you just can not get a great match from anyone. Might be a vote just to go buy some cheap red from anyone else. ---------------------------------- I will answer any question. It is up to you to figure out if I should have.
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From what I understand, the 87 Konk had a two stage paint. It has a silver base coat and then candy red over it. You probably won't get a close enough match from a one stage paint.
Color-Rite is the one you can get some paint from. It is a two or three stage paint as stated, silvery gray base coat, then one to three layers of tint to go over it, then top it off with some clearcoat. I have the 88 red and know about your color problems. As for matching it exactly with Color-Rite paint, I wish you luck. On my three attempts I've missed every time. 1st time with one tint coat, too orange, 2nd try with two tint coats, still lighter red than stock, and then the 3rd try with three tint coats, this one was too dark red. The last was the prettiest, but not a match. I ended up getting a can of auto touch up red, (one that came closest to the color, don't have the can anymore so can't give more into) sprayed some into the cap and then used a brush to touch up my knicked places. Is it noticeable, to me, yes. But most seem to miss what I know is there. hth, tcars John tcars, John, Rallymaster 2009