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More silliness about 3 wheels


I saw an old Kawasaki ATV and dang if it didn't have a solid straight axle in the rear passing through the center of what looked just like a C10 final drive.
Even the driveshaft looked like it would bolt up (I didn't have a Concours there to compare side-by-side).  It had a single spring in the middle, brake on the right IIRC there was no other support that I saw.
I figured if that axle assembly did bolt up then the C10 suspension would work as-is and an anti-sway bar attached at the centerstand could keep the bike upright. 
I'm sure it would be a unique experience to turn.  Anybody out there have or had experience with the solid atv axle and know if it fits?
Did you happen to get the model/year of the ATV?
If yes; Kawasaki could possibly help you.

It's probably just a straight axle..
But there is a chance that it has some sort of a differential in it that would allow you to turn.

Ride safe, Ted
Lots of ATV's have solid axles, but if you are going to ride primarily on hard surfaces, you'll want a differential. If you wanted to use a solid axle with the existing rear suspension you'd have to have a tube across to provide ridgiity, and wheel bearings in the tube. (and by solid I mean no differential)

You might end up with something like this, though much beefier as this is a 300:
That's what I saw except yours is opposite handed.  Both looked well used and had ball hitches mounted on that flat thing that sticks out.  One of them wasn't a Kawasaki but looked the same.

What I thought I could do is look up the gaskets on a parts website.  If there is gasket, that is.  If the part number matches the odds are good that splines & shafts could match.  So there's a 1987 Kaw Bayou 300 KLF300A that uses the same shims 92025- and splined tubey-thing 42034A.
Not only might they bolt up but shaft & splines probably fit.  The final drive for the ATV looks like it might have a differential too, so, Willyp have you tried yours to see if your wheels spin in opposite directions when off the ground?

Anyway the whole idea is a bit of a crazy distraction that might somehow lead to something with real benefits.  Could pass some time this winter, maybe help get me through bike buying season :beerchug:
As you look into possibilities, better check the gear ratio too...
NOTE: The one Willy posted has 1 brake on 1 side only..

Ride safe, Ted
Sounds crazy...a KLF300 2-wheel drive ATV had a differential for easier turning...I think...but, you are comparing a unit designed to handle 25 HP...to the ZG1000 and 100 HP...

Good luck!
There's no law that says you need to use full throttle  :motonoises:
Since the motivation is "street legal" for me I'd have to check DMV next to see what has to be done for a modified bike.  If it isn't street legal then I can stick with stuff that works already, although now there's motive to keep the bike and buy a certain kind of old ATV.  I really don't have room or time to build experimental stuff.  I'll probably check for the parts as long as I have my bike.
Most of us like novel idea's and projects.
The replies your seeing, reflect that.
Throwing out ideas, to help you determine what you need to look into.

Do keep us posted on what you find out.

Ride safe, Ted

I've been talking about similar stuff in some other threads.  This one is more technical and specific to a C10.  It's still just a thought, or a question if anybody else has done it.
  I thought what the 3-wheel kaw club could be called:
Geriatric Riders Of Kawasaki, or GROK  :))
If you thunk it it's on the web...
It's loaded with commercials and it's a riding lawnmower front end, but it's also a KZ1000 engine and a rear that I heard him say was from a "Samurai".
I guess I have to look up a Samurai now.
I'm thinking a C10 with an atv rear and wheels like that one would look like an adult "big wheel" toy.  Please don't encourage me.
Now you’re talking!  Suzuki Samurai rear end would hold up to the abuse...  That thing is pretty cool!
The picture isn't mine. But I am pretty sure there is no differential in that unit as there is only one brake.

Also, +1 for a Sammy rear, though I think I'd just go look in the junkyar--- er, Salvage Yard for the smallest rear drive car I could find.