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New Moto Guzzi Reliability?


Anyone have a newer Moto Guzzi or can anyone speak to the reliability of the newer bikes?  I assume parts are an issue if they have to come from Europe.

Looking at bikes with FI and ECUs that are lighter than my C 10. 
You might want to check the WildGuzzi forum and do a little reading. I haven't had one in years and mine were old
and reliable. they have a group pf "Murph's" type parts sources so that really isn't the issue, probably more like dealer
and how handy you are and willing to fix things similar to us with the Connie.

Good luck!
Jerry Holland aka COGnosticator had a Guzzi not long ago.  I believe he bought an FJR sometime before the national, but he might have some info for you about Guzzi's.