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Dang this is so tempting.  Let me know if the price drops below 10 k :(  I just can not swing new bike prices even for a near new bike.
There suddenly seem to be several good used Wings around, GWRRA guys gotta have the latest.  I saw an '06 with 22K on it the other day for $12,500.  Grab you one of those and keep the Connie!
No worries.  Good luck with your sale.  Just an FYI, I parted out the last two bikes I sold and between the two of them made about $5000 more than I would have if I'd have had the "won't part it out" attitude.  Not a criticism, just friendly advice which is worth at least as much as it's costing you.  LOL 
His words, not mine.  Selling farkles isn't "parting out"... but generally you get far better value selling farkles like GPS and top cases and upgrade seats separately.
okay' the bike sells as is. if i don't sell it, i will still be content with it.
parting out was incorrect.