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Putting on 6 Pots


I am getting ready to mount my Tokico 6 pots on the front and have an idea or two and want to run it by you so I can get abused. I read where there seems to be an issue getting a good bleed with the 2 line Spieglers so is this an issue or not? (I also have the speed bleeders if i want to use them.) I was wondering if this is an issue would it not be avoided by slowly filling from the brake up to the reservoir? (I have an idea for a pump to get the fluid in) Be nice and don't abuse me too much or I'll send Momma over and belive me you don't want to go there. As always thanks up front for you expertise! Respectfully Yours! Wess Heavner COG #8010 CDA #0239
Wess, I would think the most important thing would to NOT let the master go dry. Pinch off the rubber brake hose near the master and leave changing the hose's till last. Keep something over the hole in the master to keep the fluid from running out while you get the hoses and the banjo bolt ready. When all is hooked up then try to gravity bleed the brakes by just opening the bleeders and letting the fluid run. If you pump the lever with any air in the master then it can be a real PITA to get it out and pumping again. Good luck !! CT AAD COG #7011-A 2003 Concours-Mary Ann 1995 Honda Nighthawk 750 wifes
Now that I have them I am a fan of speed bleeders and wonder why I never bought them earlier. Agreed never let the reservoir go dry. Always keep fluid in there. I gravity start them. Then just use the speed bleeders to get firmed up and finish off with the bungee cord trick. 2003 Concours http://mysite.verizon.net/slybones/Concours/connieMain.htm
I think I know but what is the "bungee cord trick" ---------------------------------- I will answer any question. It is up to you to figure out if I should have.
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