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Radar detectors, How many are there and,........


Everywhere I look I see advertisements for radar detectors. I am so darned confused I don't know which way to turn, or good buy if I see one. HELP! Thanks, Reed
I use a Rocky Mountain Rader RMR-C450. http://rockymountainradar.com/store/13-rmr-c450 I have had it about 5 years now. I think it has saved me twice in that 5 years. At $250 I consider it a good investment if it saves you from even one ticket. Unfortunately, since it is the only radar detector I have ever owned, I have no idea how it stacks up to other units. I made my own bracket on my Valkyrie behind the windshield that the unit just Velcro
http://www.radarbusters.com/ My sub $200 Bel has served me well. The hardcore guys seem to gravitate to the Valentine, it's too spendy for me though.
I run an Adaptive TPX with visual display. It's not cheap. But it's designed for a motorcycle. Vibration and water proof are nice features. Even if it isn't quite as good as some of the top automobile detectors. But it holds it's own very well. I also use the audio in the helmet. So it has a good remote LED warning staring you in the face. But if you still manage to miss that. The audio works good. Bionic Bob COG & AMA member First C14 CDA member #0220 08 C14,03 Mean Streak, & 86 C10
I have a Valentine One. One of the best detectors out there. Had it for years. Long before the Connie. But its a pain to get wired for the M/C. Too much $$$ in accessories just so you can hear it beep. If starting all over I would vote for something M/C friendly. 2003 Concours, 59K COG #6953 IBA 28004 http://home.comcast.net/~slybones/Concours/connieMain.htm
I went through that exactly. Now the V1 resides full time in the truck. The bike has the TPX full time. They are both very happy now! Bionic Bob COG & AMA member First C14 CDA member #0220 08 C14,03 Mean Streak, & 86 C10
Steve, Thanks for your reply. I just ordered a Valentine one. Like the fact that is has forward and rear antennaes. I also purchased the head phone. Total cost with UPS two day delivery for $479.00. For me that is a reasonable price. Thanks again for your input. Reed
ConnieMain, I was impressed with the information about the Valentine One. With that and your good recommend I just ordered mine. Thanks for your input. Ride safe and be happy. Reed
The two best unit are the new Escort 9500ix and the Valentine One. I have both, and I prefer the Escort. It seems to have better range and fewer false alerts. The Valentine is good, but I think the Escort is better. The Escort has a built in GPS and automatically locks out false alerts and also warns you of speed trap and red light camera locations. Personally, I would not waste money on any other brands, especially Rocky Mountain. Whistler and Cobra are also very poor quality.
I have a cheap Whistler that has been attached to the dash of my Concours for almost 5yrs (I never remove it) and it still works. Stopping for a coffee and coming out to a high end detector that isn't there anymore would kinda bum me out.
I remove mine when leaving in an unsecured area when not close by. So I know it will be there when I come back! Bionic Bob COG & AMA member First C14 CDA member #0220 08 C14,03 Mean Streak, & 86 C10
You guys like to putz with stuff more than I do. I waste enough time with ATGATT than to waste even more time mounting and dismounting a RD. If my $40 detector grows legs it's no big deal, besides, when a would be thief notices the microwave oven beeper hot glued to the top of my RD he does a quick calculation of its pawn value.
Valentine here. It's overpriced & has misbehaved a few times. But they usually fix it for free even tho it's long outta warranty. 01 Conc, Mijami Floriduh OTP 06: http://tinyurl.com/2vk9o2 route map: http://tinyurl.com/4p7pmd
BEL RX65 in a waterproof case hard wired to my Scala G4. I have picked up bogies at 2 miles away. Great RD and has more than paid for itself.
Escort 9500ix hooked up to a radar screamer.I can hear it over my in- helmet speakers and has saved my butt to many times to count!