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Renewbie question - shifting into second


Greetings all, After a 3 year hiatus from riding I recently got back in the saddle again and, through a fortunate series of almost complete chance circumstances, I am riding the exact same bike I sold in 2005 :) So, here's a question. I'm curious around what RPMs people tend to shift from 1st to 2nd... for a "normal" take off. Sometimes I get to this weird point around 4000ish when it doesn't feel "right" to shift and sometimes I find myself hesitating. Strange, eh? Glad to be back on the bike and back with the group... kept up my COG membership over the 3 years cuz I knew I would be back. Neil
I shift between 3~4,000 RPM's. But at times more if I'm in a hurry ;p Yuma, Summer in Yuma is not hell, but hell is a local call :) 2006 Connie http://community.webshots.com/user/Lateck?vhost=community
Neil, Welcome home, that was good of you to keep your membership up, plus you have the perfect Connie, an '03' I shift around 2-3k from 1st to 2nd, then 3-4 after that. Virginia Beach, VA COG 6517 03 Concours (9/11/04) 01 Concours (8/16/08) USN Retired
I tend to short shift first gear a lot too. Usually in the 3-4k range. I'll wring it out if I really feel the need, but prefer getting into second to build some speed.
Welcome back, I have no clue where I shift. I change um when it feels right. ---------------------------------- I will answer any question. It is up to you to figure out if I should have.
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I tend to shift from 1st to 2nd around 3k unless I really need to get on it. Getting out of first is a priority for me so I don't have to deal with any jerkiness. the rest of my shifts are at about 4-5k depending on my mood. Greg H from Mass, Connie Droppers Anonymous Awards Dude COG# 7010,a Tracey CDA 120 99 Connie "Herrin Christabelle", 05 Ninja 250
I tend to 'punt' it into second around 3000-ish to overcome the 'Positive Neutral Finder' aka the 'Positive Second Misser', then 4000-ish after that.
Glad to see that it is not just me that finds the shift from 1st to 2nd "interesting" at times. I was asking some other riders about there rides and they do not seem to have as many miscues as I do, but then I have only been riding for three months now and have only riden a Concours, so I am spoiled (that's what they say). 04 Concours (Fenris) (mostly stock)
Yeah, the Positve Neutral Finder is Kawasaki only. I like it when I'm trying to find neutral, but it's an occasional PITA when shifting into second.
Neutral finder is what it sounds like. It helps make it easier to pop it up into neutral rather then 2nd when you are stopped. When rolling it is not suppose to have much effect but as you can see it has some. I do not have detailed knowledge of how they do that. ---------------------------------- I will answer any question. It is up to you to figure out if I should have.
<p align="left"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/20211686@N05/">My Photos<br
Every upshift is smooth and quick except for 1st to 2nd, so I end up lazy and get a mushy shifting foot. The problem comes in when you shift into second with a mushy foot and miss the gear. This causes my internal humiliation sensors to begin flashing vigorously, especially with the impotent engine roar that accompanies it.
I ocasionaly find a neutral between 3rd and 4th or 4th and 5th. Anyone else have this problem? 1990 Aint she a pretty Tomato (the bike ofcourse) wedshots albums http://community.webshots.com/user/sawfiler64/albums/most-recent
Ditto to what Tommyhof posted. I too shift around 2-3k from 1st to 2nd, then 3-4 after that. Early shifting saves gas, as long as you don't lug the engine.