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Ride to American BBQ M&G (Tewksbury, MA) - 9/16


Join us for a ride to The American BBQ Meet n Greet in Rowley, MA.

We'll leave from the Rt 133 Mobil station just off 495 (next to the Cracker Barrel Restaurant).  Kickstands up at 8:30 am.

Our route will wind through the north shore of Massachusetts, including Manchester-by-the-Sea, Gloucester, and Rockport and end up at The American BBQ in time for the Meet n Greet at 1 pm.

If you are planning to go, please register here: https://cog.memberize.net/clubportal/EventDetail.cfm?clubID=1328&EventID=245155&mo=9&tDate=%7Bd%20%272017-09-23%27%7D

Note: if you are staying for the Meet n Greet, please register for that event also so that we may give the restaurant a "heads up" on how many of us to expect.  Register for the M&G here: https://cog.memberize.net/clubportal/EventDetail.cfm?clubID=1328&EventID=244686&mo=9&tDate=%7Bd%20%272017-09-23%27%7D
The weather is looking pretty good for Saturday's ride to The American BBQ in Rowley, MA.

I've put a .gpx file of the route I plan to take in the COG library.  Here's the link:


It is approximately 79 miles long and we'll make a few stops along the way:
- Tucks Point Park
- Dunkin Donuts in Magnolia for a bathroom/coffee break
- Motif #1 in Rockport - We'll have to play this one by ear as I don't know if it will be too crowded to ride down the pier
- the Stone "Zoo" - it's a collection of stone sculptures

We usually ride to the end of Bearskin Neck in Rockport as well, but we're going to skip that.  There will be too many bikes and the foot traffic in that area can be quite dense.

See you in Tewksbury for 8:30 kickstands up.
