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Roadside assistance plan


I'm looking for a good motorcycle roadside assistance plan, does anyone have a recommendation? 
I have one through Progressive as part of my insurance. I think I also have it through AMA with my membership.
The American Motorcyclist Association also has one that has gotten some good reviews but you have to be a member (which, IMO, you should be anyway). If you join AMA and sign up for the automatic renewal it's free.
There are several options. Be sure to compare plan features before deciding.  Many insurance companies (like Progressive) offer roadside assistance with the policy.  ROK premium membership includes roadside assistance. AMA membership (3 yr or auto renew) provides it. 
I have used AAA for years now. Always good service and when I needed it with no questions asked. I have actually needed them more than I wanted to and i rate them top notch.

A1 ^-^
AMA.....cause I ride a bike, and $39 a year gets towing and membership! I have used the service twice now on cars. Yup, they cover pretty much whatever you have, including spouse and kids. I do not believe you can beat it for the price.