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Saddlebag liners


Training Wheels
Anyone of thoughts on the Concourse 14 saddlebag liners. I was thinking of getting the OEMs but see that ceebailys has something out ther for two thirds the price. Anyone have these?
I originally bought the OEM liners and found that they are quite rigid on the front and back so do not match the interior contours of the hard bags. I am now using the Cee Baileys since I can pack more in them for trips. I'm currently on my way back from Alaska.
Look at WalMart. No they don't have C-14 bags but they do have good quality ammo bags. I bought a set that are just a little smaller that the hard bags on the c-14. They even came in an almost candy red color. Bags have internal compartments, are water proof, nylon zippered, shoulder strap attachment and carry handle. $22.00 for the set. Up
Go to http://www.murphskits.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=130_134 Murph sells the Cee Baileys bag liners at a better price and his service/support is second to none. Mick
Is this a particular brand of bag? The reason for asking is that most people expect a store in one area to stock all of the items in another part of the country BUT it doesn't always work out that way.
Look at WalMart......Bags have internal compartments, are water proof, nylon zippered, shoulder strap attachment and carry handle. $22.00 for the set. Up