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Sat June 8, 2013 Newburgh, NY Meet & Greet

I'm signed up.  Even have the night before it off, so I can probably drag myself out of bed early enough to get there on time...
I plan on going.
Might get wet getting there but the ride home should be nice.
Now if I can only find my SCUBA gear

  The event is on. Obviously there is a real threat of rain. It's been raining all day, and is suppose to rain all night. Although it says a 50% chance of rain around noon for the area tomorrow. I will check the radar and weather in the AM. If it looks like it may not rain, I'll ride in. But if it's definitely or most likely will be wet, I'll probably just hop in the cage and come over. But either way, I'll be there unless some unforeseen drastic thing happens. I always tell folks to double check the event posting on the calendar of events in the AM before heading out (just to be safe).
  I do not know what Andy's plans are as of now. But I will be there. I was hoping to ride with you some tomorrow, but it's a wait and see situation right now. If raining and you were planning to stay in this area, well we may be able to entertain you with things like Motorcyclepedia or something else.

  I always say to folks that this is about folks getting together. I would rather have folks show up and say hey no matter how they choose to come, rather than feel they can't come if they do not ride. It's about folks getting together foremost. Being able to ride is just icing on the cake.
  Ironically, it seems to have rained or snowed pretty much every second Saturday of the month since last fall. (well the one month it was decent that day after a big snow storm the day before). I was hoping for a nice perfect day like we had the beginning of this week. (76 degrees, low humidity and blue sky's). But it looks like it's probably not to be. So I'll be happy with just dry if it's not asking too much.
Accuweather calls for rain to stop by 5 AM.  The Weather Channel says by 7 AM.  I have an errand to run in the morning that likely will delay me from heading North on time but I expect I will be there before lunch is over.
Best of luck with weather for this one folks. It is supposed to rain here tomorrow (about 160 miles east of Newburgh).

OFFTOPIC: but it looks like the Minuteman 1000 is going to go off in the rain too. Too bad as it really does add an element of unpleasantness to the ride and also tends to slow it down quite a bit.

BDF said:
OFFTOPIC: but it looks like the Minuteman 1000 is going to go off in the rain too. Too bad as it really does add an element of unpleasantness to the ride and also tends to slow it down quite a bit.
I almost signed up for that, but having to replace a set of tires put a crimp in my budget.  Now I'm kind of glad I'm going to miss it...  1k in 24 hours is one thing.  In the rain, it is something else.
Still OFFTOPIC: Yeah, I would recommend starting off with your first Saddlesore in weather that was at least not raining. It can get chilly at night and an electrically heated jacket liner and gloves are good things to have but the rain makes it about 30 times worse. My second Minuteman started in the rain so I was in full rain gear but a bit too warm at the start. 40 miles of highway riding fixed that and I stopped to put in my heated jacket liner. It is one think to tolerate a bit of chill or discomfort for 20 minutes on secondary roads but quite another to have at it for hours on end and end up wet and / or hypodermic.

Everyone thinks he / she is a 'tough guy' (that is not gender specific) until three hours goes by and the conditions just don't get better. On endurance rides there will be enough testing and stressing of the rider that having to ride cold or wet just isn't necessary. Trust me, the best gear in the world cannot fix a trip through the Rockies at night, in the dark, in the rain, in the 40 F's, with road construction and pot holes around.

So to my long distance brethren and sisteren, the best of luck in these poor conditions. Just remember, you will always know what you did / what you went through so the plaques / certificates will always be secondary. It always has been an internal contest: 'The question is not how far will you go but if you will go as far as necessary to complete the task.' The very best of luck in the rally and of course, a safe ride for all.

Jon, once you 'get your mind right' (to quote a line from Cool Hand Luke) the rain won't even bother you. There is a certain comradeship that comes with completing a difficult event as a group; trust me, you will never forget that first Saddlesore even if it becomes a small part of your long distance riding experiences.

Another topic to be sure but I would suggest anyone thinking about one of these take the time to 'harden' on a 600 to 700 mile ride. If you can walk around easily at the end of that you may be in good shape for a 1,000 mile run in a day (24 hours). The really grueling ride is 1,500 miles in 24 hours.

Sorry Bob for the off topic wandering. Still wishing you and the rest of the COG folks a great lunch tomorrow and with a bit of luck, maybe a motorcycle ride afterward. Andrea and I are not going to make it as we are scouting areas for rides a bit east of you.


Outback Jon said:
I almost signed up for that, but having to replace a set of tires put a crimp in my budget.  Now I'm kind of glad I'm going to miss it...  1k in 24 hours is one thing.  In the rain, it is something else.
No problem Brian, good info for folks.

Anyway, it's a little after 8AM and the weather here is not bad. As Mike has said, it looks like the rain has moved out and it's starting to dry out. It partly cloudy to cloudy, but not raining. A lot of folks are probably headed out soon or already on the way. I plan on riding in. Hopefully the roads will be dry enough at that point since my bike is clean.  :-\ Hope to see y'all there.
  Well we had eight people show up today for the meet & greet. I wasn't sure if anyone was going to show up with the rain we were blessed with yesterday and last night. But it turned out to be a dry and partly cloudy day.
  We had folks from four states and New Brunswick Canada today. Very cool indeed.  :great:  We had a nice lunch and it was good to meet a new face. Three of us went for a 75 or so mile ride after lunch. So all in all it was a really nice day. It's better yet considering I was expecting rain.
My clutch issue is fixed with a refill and flush of the system.  Though I'm wondering where the fluid went.  I'll have to keep an eye on the level for a while.

But a new issue cropped up.  Now my HID headlight is flickering on and off.  :-[  That's tomorrow's project.
I'll have to make it up to one of these meets this year.  Looking forward to putting some faces with names
Brass said:
I'll have to make it up to one of these meets this year.  Looking forward to putting some faces with names

Best group of COGer's you'll ever meet. Blaise and I miss them all!
Thankx Cap'n Bob- I had a good time as usual. Nice to see the old faces and great to see some new ones. Had a nice ride home on the Taconic State with Jim G.

  Tom Taylor COG#7173
Thanks again bob for the meet and greet and that great little ride !! Hope to run into again sometime !!
It was great to meet the other guys also !!

andydude said:
Thanks again bob for the meet and greet and that great little ride !! Hope to run into again sometime !!
It was great to meet the other guys also !!


And it was good to meet you today Andy. Had a great time in WV with you and Glenn. Hope to see you on the way back through.
Tim And Trish said:
andydude said:
Thanks again bob for the meet and greet and that great little ride !! Hope to run into again sometime !!
It was great to meet the other guys also !!


And it was good to meet you today Andy. Had a great time in WV with you and Glenn. Hope to see you on the way back through.
.  You bet Tim ...... Definately holler at ya on the way back !! :)
andydude said:
Thanks again bob for the meet and greet and that great little ride !! Hope to run into again sometime !!
It was great to meet the other guys also !!


Your more than welcome. It was a pleasure to meet and ride with you.
Well finally made it back home with just under 5000 miles ......... had a great vacation and happy to have met new friends !! Thank you to you guys from NY and VA for making my trip much more pleasurable ! You know who you are !! :)  Cant wait to do it again !!