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sea foam

Most often I have heard of it used as a fuel additive (cleaner) and not used in the crankcase of a Connie. Another fuel system cleaner that provide great results is Chevron Techron. (available at Wal-Mart and many auto centers) -- Steve Smith, #3184 COG Northeast Area Director (somewhere in south central CT) If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space.
It saved me from having to do a carb teardown on my '01. Right after we switched to the ethanol blend here in VA my Connie sat for a few months over the winter. It was running pretty bad and I was getting ready to pull the carbs to have a look see. Instead I pulled the fuel line, connected it to a funnel, ran the bike and filled the funnel with Seafoam until the bike died. Let it sit in there for an hour or so, drained the bowls and fired the bike up. Ran MUCH better. Did it one more time and it was as good as new. I'm no champion of Snake Oil and have never used anyhting like it before (or since) but it saved me a ton of time and work. I must have had just a small piece of trash of some sort that it disolved. Roger ('07 Wee Strom) COG 5903 Virginia Beach, VA
I would use it in a carb cleaning mode but not letting it sit full strength in the system for long. In the crankcase I am not as sure about. I wouldn't do it. I had two old cars that I thought would be better off if I cleaned the crankcase/oil real good. Both soon developed leaks inside or out. I think some amount of crud in a old engine is good. It may be all that is keeping some seals working. ---------------------------------- I will answer any question. It is up to you to figure out if I should have.
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I would use it in a carb cleaning mode but not letting it sit full strength in the system for long. That's definitely true with B12 Chemtool but SeaFoam is pretty benign as far as solvents go, it's supposedly mostly Naphtha.