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secondary throttle removal


what are the pros and cons to removing the secondary throttle butterflies,and how is it done???
Like most power plant mods its to get more better power. I wish I knew more. Fred does visit here once and a while and he would be the egg spurt on this maybe. Other ways ya might have to go visit zg/gtr forum, lots of threads there on it. I know that with the flies out and the power commander change it sounds like you get a scary strong bike. Not something I am really looking for. For me a stock 14 would be plenty. ---------------------------------- I will answer any question. It is up to you to figure out if I should have.
<p align="left"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/20211686@N05/">My Photos<br
There is a lot of infomration and details online regarding this proceedure. If you are an experienced rider (As we would hope, dropping $12+k down on a heavier and strong bike) You will find the 12#+ of extra low end torque most useful. It is still not clear why they added them for a shart drive sport tourer but for sure they will not be reinstalled for me.
There has been different reports about economy. For me, it seemed to improve maybe 2 mpg. My average is about 38 mpg in mixed driving. Highway is the same; about 42mpg (I'm at sealevel)