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Self-driving bikes?


Big Wheel
With all the fuss about driverless cars, do you think it will ever come to self-driving motorbikes? Cars already seem to be a sure thing, BMW, Ford, General Motors, Toyota and Volkswagen plan to introduce them to the market by 2020–2021 https://tranio.com/world/spotlight/self-driving-mobile-homes-how-driverless-cars-will-change-the-property-market_5354/ Also heard rumours such bikes can be used as police patrols. Can you imagine anything else they can be useful for?
I would think so. They already have self balancing bikes. From what I have read on the autonomous cars, it seems the biggest safety issue (claimed) is non autonomous vehicles. When enough self driving cars are out, to keep everyone safe, I think you will slowly see roads restricted to just the self driving vehicles. And from there........

Wonder who will buy a self driving Ferrari?
I don't want to give the wrong people any ideas but it seems obvious that any autonomous vehicle might be weaponized.  The suicide bomber will be obsolete, and crazy people will have easy ways to attack multiple targets from secret locations.
Isn't the technology amazing?
Bad guys aaren't waiting for self driving features to weaponize vehicles. But I get your point. Set the coordinates, put a dummy in the back to simulate a human and start the motor. 1 person with 20 autonomous vehicles........
I won't feel safe until ALL vehicles are self-driving...................

except mine.  :motonoises:
I'm with Nosmo. Motorcycles will likely follow the same path as the cars. First we will get the automatic slowing when too close to another vehicle and things like that. At some point the computer will take over the entire bike. Track days will likely become very popular.  We will still need our fun. :)
It occurs to me that a primary goal of autonomous vehicles may be to reduce speeds.  Certain mpg goals appear to be unreachable at 55 mph and above.  Another consequence we might need to deal with is computer coordinated cross traffic at intersections.  The following distance we use now allows plenty of space for properly timed cross traffic without a stop by vehicles in either direction.  In fact the faster the cars are going the greater the following distance and the more space there is for cross traffic.  I would not want to try crossing an intersection that way on my own, I might need to wait untill rush hour was over and human-capable gaps appear in the traffic.
RoadKillHeaven said:
Self driving motorcycle? That is very alarming. What is next, self-walking shoes?
That's basically what a Segway is.  To me a self-driving motorcycle is like a self-eating cheesecake -- what fun is that?

Right. I ride because I like riding. If my bike wants to go for a ride without me, let it get a job and pay for it's own gas.  :great: It can change it's own damn tires, too.  :96:

Seriously, though... If you bought a self driving vehicle, who pays the speeding tickets?
I'm one of the folks who believes self-driving cars will soon be at least fairly common, and working in Silicon Valley means I've been seeing and driving alongside them for at least a couple of years.

One of the things I think will work against the self-driving motorcycle is this:

Self-driving cars only need to be marginally attentive and aware to be able to replicate the attention of most drivers. And as distracted driving has become rampant, that bar (IMHO) keeps getting lower. That plays into the hands of folks designing systems for self-driving cars.

Meanwhile, the opposite is happening for motorcycle riders. Our riding environment demands even more attention. As riders, we all know how much more concentration and situational awareness is required to safely ride a bike vs safely driving a car (even with full attention).

Now that's not to suggest that someone couldn't design a self-driving motorcycle that positions itself and rides like a car. But then what's the point? Just a buy a Miata and enjoy!

My prediction is that self-driving motorcycles will lag at least 20 years behind cars. And widespread adoption of MC will happen only when it's mandated by the government in the name of uniform highway object tracking and safety. Then we'll all buy dirt bike...  :rotflmao:
Thinking more about co-ordinated cross traffic at intersections, the point could be fuel savings and environmental benefits by having traffic lights blinking yellow instead of red or green or a stop sign.
Maybe there could be a compromise solution where a bike crossing Manhattan could allow a master traffic coordinator to control speed while the rider chooses the path and rider inputs serve as feedback (brakes and turn signals being the obvious ones).
I wonder sometimes how much data my gps is sharing now.  It reports congestion and offers me suggestions like "alternate route: 2 minutes faster".
My SO was giving me driving tips today and it made me realize that things built in to self driving anything would likely be subject to some personalization (like an SISF flash) except that it would tune up following distance, acceleration rates, adjust for smaller diameter tires (ahem, cough, cough) and suggested speed in turns.  There'd likely be some delay between the vehicle setting a speed and the gps feedback figuring out the actual speed.
Yeah I can see some bike having a button that would select from performance, economy, and SO on board modes.  :))
Tour1 said:
My SO was giving me driving tips today and it made me realize that things built in to self driving anything would likely be subject to some personalization (like an SISF flash) except that it would tune up following distance, acceleration rates, adjust for smaller diameter tires (ahem, cough, cough) and suggested speed in turns.  There'd likely be some delay between the vehicle setting a speed and the gps feedback figuring out the actual speed.

Yeah, with the constant driving advice I get from my fiance, it's almost a self-driving vehicle now, I mean I don't have the choice of making any decisions, all I have to do is listen to my own personal version  of "siri" and it (she) tells me what to do and when to do it, when to brake and when to turn.  Wonderful. :(
Just remember when you accumulate enough obedience points you can cash them in for something nice.