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Speedo housing crack


Big Wheel
I was removing the front wheel to replace the tire. With a wrench on each end of the axle, I steadily applied force to release the nut. When the nut on the right side gave way, I heard a crack in the left side. Turned out the speedo gear housing on the hub broke in 3 pieces. The last tire change was done by a dealer so I am wondering if there was something that may have done to weaken the casing. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening again when I install the new unit?
Hi Alan; It sounds like the last person that assembled it did not assemble the speedo drive correctly. IIRC there is a lug on the casing that locates the drive correctly on the fork bottom. When installed correctly I am pretty sure there is no pressure on the casing. So it would not crack in the way you describe. Colin Prior Cogmos Administrator Lake Forest Park WA COG#7767
The speedo housing may have been installed correctly, but you were using the resistance of the housing to the fork tabs for some of the counter torque. There's no need for a wrench on each end of the axle. Just loosen ONE pinch bolt and loosen the axle from that side. The counter torque resistance is then all taken up by the still tightened pinch bolt holding the other end tight.