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Spot Finder Locator questions

Gerry B

Mini Bike
Does anyone here have any personal experience with the Spot Finder GPS Emergency locator device?( www.findmespot.com ) Pros? Cons?
I have not pulled the trigger yet but here are two long threads about it on other forums. http://www.advrider.com/forums/showthread.php?t=282391 http://www.twtex.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23423 A few things have changed about the system and offerings since these threads started. ---------------------------------- I will answer any question. It is up to you to figure out if I should have.
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Sorry I am coning in on this so late, but anyhow my brother-in-law was the Chief Engineer on this project and gave me a unit to try out, plus he gave one to Al Norcros who used it on his trip to Mexico and Central America. Aside from the potential life saving benefits of having one with you, it allows you to keep folks informed of your whereabouts with the tracking information. I would highly reccomend it to anyone that travels, especially in remote areas. Bob Sherwood Industry Liaison Statesboro, GA COG #2994
Thanks Bob, I did end up buying one and it works great. I have tried it out and I have my retired father in law monitor when I take trips. I'm using it this weekend when I make a long road trip in the car.
It sounds like a sad state of affairs and maybe it is but I am not sure I have anyone I trust to be on call for the help function. I know if I push 911 button then I am in bad enough shape to pay the cost of rescue. With the help button would you want someone that is online almost all the time and knows how to read gps location and get help on the way??? Most of the people I can think to put on the list are just not online enough or unsure they can get help to me. Will it send to a cell phone and email in help mode? I did wonder if this is a service I could start or may be out there already. A service that you have on your spot help list and if they get a call then they will stay on your case until they know you are helped. ---------------------------------- South Central Area Director Email scad@cog-online.org
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Bob, I think the way this works is if you push the help button, it sends a signal that is picked up by satellite. It does not require being in areas with cellular coverage. If the satellite can "see" it, the signal goes out. You're not depending on needing to have someone constantly on-line or monitoring you. It also allows for friends and/or family to track your progress. Could be a really neat idea especially if you are "off the beaten path". Eddie 2005 Concours 1969 Triumph Bonneville AMA# 686667 COG# 7073 CDA# 0136 http://picasaweb.google.com/Eddie753
No the problem is not the signal going out its that I have no one that cares enough that I am in trouble :) What I guess I really need to know is what delivery methods does it have... email, cell message, cell call? I know if my son can get a text message he will react soon but if email he will not see it for hours or days. Not that I want to trust my comfort and safety to a 18yo boy. ---------------------------------- South Central Area Director Email scad@cog-online.org
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<quote> <i>No the problem is not the signal going out its that I have no one that cares enough that I am in trouble What I guess I really need to know is what delivery methods does it have... email, cell message, cell call? I know if my son can get a text message he will react soon but if email he will not see it for hours or days. Not that I want to trust my comfort and safety to a 18yo boy. </i></quote> Man oh man are you in trouble! AKA "2linby" That's 2-lin-by folks! Northwest Area Director COG #5539 AMA #927779 IBA #15034 TEAM OREGON MC Instructor http://community.webshots.com/user/2linby http://tinyurl.com/njas8 (IBA BunBurner Gold Trip) http://tinyurl.com/lwelx (Alaska trip)
Sounds like something a pansy might need in a moment of stress. Real men don't ask for help. (Or directions.) They just suffer quietly. ;p Bob "Flylooper" Burns COG #5887 E Clampus Vitus, YB#1 '04 FJR 1300
Bob I might let you get way with that since you live in Or. it is kind of out there. If you want to know the feeling of OUT THERE try anything around Big Bend where our first ride is this year. No cell service and miles of nothing if you want it. I have done rides out there with no spot but we also lost a member and friend waiting on help out there also. ---------------------------------- South Central Area Director Email scad@cog-online.org
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I pulled the trigger and ordered one from http://www.sportsauthority.com for $119 delivered. That is quite a bit less then most places I found. retail is $149 I think. AMA has a discount on service also but I have not gotten that far yet. I think you get the tacking service for the price of basic service about $100/y ---------------------------------- South Central Area Director Email scad@cog-online.org
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It may be false security or just peace of mind for the family but I invested in Spot. I got the unit at Sports Authority online for $119 delivered and Service I got with AMA discount which got me a year of service and free tracking service for a year. I don't think I will need tracking but its free with ama so why not. The service was another $100 for the year. A bit high maybe but most of the areas I ride are spotty cell phone at best. ---------------------------------- South Central Area Director Email scad@cog-online.org
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Not quite the same, but if you use certain web enabled phones you may be able to use Google Latitude. http://www.google.com/latitude -- Steve Smith, COG #3184 COG Northeast Area Director (somewhere in south central CT)
If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space.
Web enabled phones are great as long as you have cell signal. The Spot device works by satellite and don't rely on cell signals. This will work at the Dragon for the 2009 rally. Cell phones don't. Just something to consider...
Some how I forgot that other post and must not have seen the second page when I wrote that last night. Oh well. At the Dragon and any road a couple hundred in any direction a car will come along shortly. Out in Big Bend and hill country areas of Tx you can be on a road that is a couple hundred to the next house and chances of a car coming are just that. Chance I have heard stories of guys having to climb the hillside with busted leg to get help at the dragon though. I am going to have to decide where to keep it. I would not want to go down wearing it. It is to big and heavy. They do have a key chain spot now but I opted for the unit that has been out a while longer. If you keep it on the bike then you might have it damaged or further from you then you want it. ---------------------------------- South Central Area Director Email scad@cog-online.org
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