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SWCOG newsletter part Duex


The 2nd installment has been sent. If you are a SW member and did not receive this please let me know. If you would like a copy please send me your email address and I would be happy to forward you a copy.
Mark Hartman

It’s that time SW COG. I am very pleased to be sending out the 2nd newsletter of our rebuild. Painstakingly put together by Mr. Mark Owen from the plush and well appointed SWCOG Newsletter offices at an undisclosed location in So. Nev. We finally put out the fine cigars rolled on the tan thighs of beautiful Cuban women, set down the 20 year old single malt hand crafted by priests’ in Ireland (Bless the old sod), and turned the TV off. We set pens to paper (or fingers to keyboards here in the modern era) and this is what erupted. I would very much like to personally thank Mr. Owen, Mr. Lountela, Mr. Tomlinson, Mr. Burkey, Mr. Smotherman, Mr. Brazie, Bud from the NW (it’s legal now) and the IBA for allowing us to republish the article on riding in the heat. Some great words of wisdom there. What’s missing you ask? Why there’s no Ms., Mrs. or Miss! Would very much like to have some input from our female members be it from behind the handlebars or from the behind the rider. I promise we’ll share the whiskey and Mr. Owen knows some Puerto Rican pool boy’s. J Believe me, Once the royalties start rolling in well…………………

On a Similar note Ms. Diane Riebesehl COG member from AZ would like to do the same thing Kap and Rusty are doing in So Cal. An email list of local folks for short notice rides and events in the greater PHX area. Please contact her if you are interested in being included in her email group. I think it’s another great way for COG members to communicate and socialize. As mentioned in this newsletter we have the Scenic Sierra Scramble up coming in Sept of ’14 and we now have the honor of the big dog National in ’15. Really excited about the road ahead folks. Wanna go for a ride?

            Please to enjoy……………………………….   

Congrats to both the Marks for a great newsletter.  Captainmarko fantastic job, every entertaining, informative and timely especially the IBA article on hot weather riding.  It's 108 degrees right now in the shade but the rivers running 55 degrees at the base of the dam so it's too hot to go outside but too cold for a drip in the River...go figure.

Old Man, I don't know what kind of compromising position you have of Captain M in those pictures but keep them near and dear to your heart and far away from Mr. Owens reach.  Whatever it is it's keeping that man highly motivated and creative.

Tom "T", confession is always good for the soul unless, of course, it's to the wife in which case you should never confess or apologize as it's a sign of weakness ;)

Thanks all for a great newsletter and a good read.
