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The Ninjette and the Leaf


Riding our 2nd bike, the Ninja 250 (also known affetionately in the Ninja circles as the Ninjette) to see my daughters volleyball game, I approached a side street at 10 mph. No traffic so I looked through the turn and began the lean. Once onto the street and still leaned over, the front wheel began to slip. I was able to get my foot down to prevent the low side; thankfully. After the game I rode back to the scene to examine it carefully. There was some dirt at the junction of the street and the main road but this was not where I slipped. Onto the street I noticed some tiny dark spots and a lonely long dead leaf. The dark spots didn't seem too recent and they were far apart. The only thing left was that old leaf. My mistake for not carefully examining the street before entering the turn. Had I looked closer I would have seen it directly in my path. Be careful and observant out there. Greg H from Mass, Connie Droppers Anonymous Awards Dude COG# 7010,a Tracey CDA 120 99 Connie "Herrin Christabelle", 05 Ninja 250
Hey Greg, glad to hear you didn't drop it. And yes it's getting to the point where leaves are going to become an issue. Of all things to be done in by... a leaf! Hope you didn't hyper extend your knee. I stopped to clean the bugs off my face shield while sitting on the bike. I then went to balance with my right foot only to find that the road was quite a bit farther down on that side. Almost got my 3rd CDA#! I caught it, but holy moly, it was touch and go for a few seconds there. It took me 15 minutes to get that seat leather outa my butt! Ducati-The thinking mans V-Twin
Road surface is by far the sneakiest threat out there. I was very fortunate before I went to the beach in August that someone on this fine forum told me that sand is slicker than fresh oil. I hadn't even considered it before that and would definitely have lost another battle to Mr. Gravity had I not known it.
About 25 years ago I dropped my Norton. While trying to keep it up I hyper extended my knee. 2 years ago I had a total knee replacement that the say cost $300,000. Repairing plastic is a lot cheeper and doesn't hurt near as much. Let it go.