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Time to apply...


Big Wheel
Ok, little back story here, I have my 08 C14, got it last spring/summer in June, but didn't get in as much summer riding as I would have liked, because was needing to buy a new helmet -- will skip the red faced reason why. 

I also am getting back into the saddle after a WAY to long break.  I think the last bike I rode before this one was?! 98 or 99 maybe.  Been a while..

So got a new skull protector, but I live in Seattle, and am being a "fair weather" rider since this beast is MUCH bigger than what I had ridden before and just because the skills maybe a little rusty.

So last December, we had a couple day stretch of no rain, and I figured it suppose to be sunny today lets get the saddle warmed up.  Drove to work, no issues little chilly but I can ride with the smile still.  Wasn't until after I was leaving work that I happened to work on my application to the "club".

Pulled out of the garage and noticed she was feeling a "little sluggish" but didn't think much of it.  I know think she's just a little cold blooded, will be letting it warm up more in the future :) .. anyways a short down hill slant to the main street I have to enter, waiting for the cars to lighten up or the signal down the block to change.  Now here I am parked on a slight down hill ramp, where the right foot is stretching a little more than normal to make contact with the ground.  So I get the opportunity to join the drivers of the world, give a little go juice, release the clutch.... STALLED!

Well that extra "stretch" was enough to let me get JUST enough angle that I could tell she wanted to lay over, normally it's not a big deal at that angle, but just didn't have the right body position to catch her this time.  So standing there, with it at about a 60 degree angle, holding tight, thinking to myself... I'm really not gonna pull it up while setting on it; So with much regret, let her softly lay to the ground. 

Red Faced I'm sure at this moment, as all the drivers are going by and the window office type people onlooking (assumed); but full face masked and tinted shield down, no one noticed :).

Happily to my surprise I was able to dead lift it back up with only slight injury to myself (it didn't become noticeable until a few days later, strained wrist or ligaments or something in that region).

The more frustrating part was that after I got her back up, and got on, the little red light of death was glowing at me, and she wouldn't start.  After several attempts it finally went away and it started to purr, but seemed like forever.

I didn't notice any "love" marks from it's rest position, but I didn't examine right afterwards and the garage is pretty dark.

Well if it has to happen. No damage is the way you want it. It still sucks, but  hopefully you'll be lucky and get away with no damage. I hope your wrist heals up quickly!
Wrist is getting better, but still has issues every now and then.. funny enough usually do to weight being applied in some wrong fashion.

Go figure.

And yes, very happy no major breakages, scuffs don't mind me much, battle scars :D
SkorMT, CDA0338.

All that weight can really takes its toll on the human body when trying to keep her up.
The first time I tried to hold her up; ended up with a nasty hamstring pull.
The second time - I stalled and it happened so quick that I didn't have time to react; no injury - ok broken mirror.

Glad you are ok and minor scratches to the bike.
I bad angled mine down too. It was after a roll backwards to the edge of the road. Mostlly strained my pride.. :eek: Gad you had minimal damage and most of us claim relief that we don't have to worry so much about keepin her pristine.. takes the pressure off!  8)